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Meet Amelia Ware – My first week as an apprentice - Apprenticeships

Posted by on 12 October 2017


Amelia Ware
Apprentice Administrative Assistant (Learning and Development) at the University of Exeter
Studying with Exeter College.

My first week as an apprentice has been great!

I was a bit nervous on my first day (who isn’t on a first day) but everyone gave me a warm welcome. I was welcomed by my team leader who I had been talking to since I got the job, and if I had any questions before I started, I had that point of contact. With that, I felt like I knew someone before I had even started, which made me more relaxed coming in to a new team.

I had a welcome meeting with the head of the team which was nice and put me at ease. I found out more about who the team were, what they do, what the team was all about and how I would fit into the team.

I had an induction list to go through with my team leader which was on the internet page and I had time to look at it on the website before I started.  I would advise new people to look at this as it gives you an insight into what you will be going thought on your first week. I have also been shadowing Hannah who is learner development administrator showing me how to do some of the tasks I will be doing. I did my mandatory training on the website which gave me more information as well and every new starter has to do it.

I was given a tour around the building I am working in and the normal health and safety information you normally get. I also had a tour around the main site and was shown where the cafes and shops are and because I will be booking rooms out, I had a look at some rooms that our team uses.
We also had a HR meeting and a HR social which they say does not always happen in someone’s first week but it helped me to get to know the wider group we are in and I got to meet even more people.

All in all my first week has been busy, a lot to take in and an exciting new challenge.

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