Tag Archives: finance

William, Insurance, Pensions and Actuarial

William, Finance student, had spent time throughout his degree interacting with employers but applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to learn more about the financial industry in practice. Through the scheme, William was matched with an Exeter alumnus who is now the UK Product Director for MetLife. He has also worked for ZFS in Switzerland, Hong Kong and the UK.

“It can only have positive implications for your career.”

William achieved all of his objectives including a personal objective of gaining general career advice.

William shared his experience:

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

I found the career advice the most useful aspect of the scheme. My mentor provided advice relating to structuring my job search and organising my applications. He also provided his advice on general queries I had about the world of work. I found these aspects most useful.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

I don’t see why a student wouldn’t apply for the career mentor scheme. It can only have positive implications for your career.

Hoi Yan, Banking and Financial Services

Hoi Yan, a Finance and Management student, wanted to pursue a career in corporate finance but needed the guidance of a experienced mentor to help her reach this goal. Through the scheme, Hoi Yan was matched with the Head of IPV and Curves for Centrica. This role involves product control, financial control and legal entity control and thereby has extensive experience relating to the finance division of corporate entities. This mentor’s previous work experience includes Vice President for JP Morgan, and he is also ACA qualified.

Hoi Yan achieved all of her objectives including personal target areas of work experience, job requirements and personal developments. Hoi Yan also increased knowledge of job hunting resources, improved knowledge of further professional sources related to this sector and increased knowledge of good and bad aspects of the profession.

Here is what Hoi Yan thought about her experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

During the scheme, I learnt about my career prospects and work experience which are very valuable through my mentor. This gave me an insight of developing my career prospects.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

My mentor’s work experience gave me inspiration for career development. During the mentor scheme, I was able to learn from his work experience and hence develop my personal skills.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

For students who are aggressive and eager to develop career prospects, it is an opportunity to get in touch with professionals. They could acquire best knowledge of their chosen sector and lean work experience from the tutor. It would be a valuable chance to improve their personal skills and create networking opportunities.

Thomas, Financial Markets and the City

Thomas, a Economics student, was interested in a career in investment banking or finance after undertaking work experience over the summer. Thomas applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to gain contacts in the industry, advice regarding what it takes to be successful in the city and help understanding the different paths within the industry. Through the scheme, Thomas was matched with an Investment Director for Lonsdale Capital Partners LLP. This roles involved originating, assessing and executing investments and management of portfolios. This mentor is also an ACA qualified accountant.

My mentor has offered me a week of work experience over the summer with his private equity firm

Thomas achieved all of his objectives including assistance in developing a career plan, increased his knowledge of sector entry requirements and increased his knowledge of finding internships and work experience in the sector.

Thomas talked about his experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

It has been extremely helpful to discuss interviews and assessment centres with my mentor, helping me to feel more confident before attending.

In addition to this my mentor has offered me a week of work experience over the summer with his private equity firm, which should prove an invaluable experience.

Hannah, Financial Markets and the City

Hannah, a Politics with Geography student, applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to gain advice and learn about good and bad experiences in order to help her make an informed decision about a future career in the Finance sector. Through the scheme, Hannah was matched with the Executive Director for MSCI Inc. His role involves looking after the pension funds and insurers for German-speaking Europe, and he has past experience in credit, performance measurements for investment portfolios and sales of asset management.

An excellent opportunity

Hannah achieved all of her objectives including increased knowledge of effective application forms and interview techniques in this sector, and improved personal development skills.

Hannah talked about her experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

Having someone there to check over my application answers and help with interviews

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Talking to a professional who is not related to me, as David had an unbiased opinion which was useful.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

An excellent opportunity to meet someone new and have a guide who can help during this uncertain time (in final year) when we need to decide what to do next.

Jordan, Financial Markets and the City

Jordan, an Economics and Finance student, applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to receive advice and guidance from somebody who understands his position and can advise of where best to target his career efforts. Through the scheme, Jordan was matched with an Investment Director for Lonsdale Capital Partners LLP. This role involves originating, assessing and executing investments and management of portfolios. This mentor is also an ACA qualified accountant.

It is good to know that my career journey has been helped by having a mentor”

Jordan achieved all of his objectives including widened contacts and networking opportunities, received work experience and job shadowing therefore greatly increasing his knowledge of effective interview techniques in this sector.

Jordan shared his experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

I can see how my path, over the last year, has been positively influenced by having Mr. Knott as a mentor. It is good to know that my career journey has been helped by having a mentor, and I am grateful for the opportunity.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insights into the mentalities/personalities of people working in banks, hedge funds and private equity. Coming from a daunting outsider’s perspective, it was helpful to realise that the people working in these roles are human too.

Alexander, Insurance, Pensions and Actuarial

Alexander, a Business Economics student, became interested in the Insurance industry after completing work experience with a reputable insurance firm in London. He applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to help confirm whether this was the career path he definitely wanted to take and to gain an understanding of what would be required of him as a graduate. Through the scheme, Alexander was paired with a Consultant for MW Enterprises. This mentor’s previous job roles include four Managing Directors positions at Integro, Towergate Specialist Risks, TL Risk Solutions and Towry Law after beginning his career as a Graduate Management Trainee at Royal & Sun Alliance.

“If you know you want to go into a similar industry as your mentor then 100% go for it.”

Alexander achieved all of his objectives including help to secure a graduate job, improved personal development skills and increased knowledge of effective interview technique in this sector.

Alexander shared some of his experiences;

What were the highlights of the scheme?

Skyping and building a relationship with my mentor. We really get along.

What did you find most useful form the mentoring experience?

The information that only a current industry expert could provide, gave me invaluable insight into the industry which was crucial at interviews.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

If you know you want to go into a similar industry as your mentor then 100% go for it.

Michael, Banking and Financial Services

Michael, a second year Economics student at the time, was interested in going into the Financial Services sector and applied for a mentor in this industry. He was matched with a Director at EY. This mentor graduated from the University of Exeter with a BA in Economics and Politics in 1997. Between 1997 and 2002 he worked as a Manager in Fraud Investigation at PricewaterhouseCoopers, before working at Credit Suisse as a Global Head Securities Customer Onboarding from 2002 to 2010. He then joined HSBC in 2011 as the Global Head of KYC Data Remediation.


Michael, having completed the scheme, let us know some of the highlights of the scheme for his career development.

He told us that he improved his personal skills, made a future professional contact in his mentor and developed his interview techniques – these being just a few examples of what he achieved by participating in the Career Mentor Scheme. Michael particularly highlighted that he increased his “knowledge of finding internships and work experience in this sector”, something incredibly useful considering how competitive the financial industry can be to get into.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

Meeting my mentor in London and seeing the EY offices was a good experience and getting the insight into interviews in the industry; as well as having a practice interview with my mentor was an invaluable experience.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Gaining an insight into my chosen profession.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Make sure you choose your mentor carefully to ensure they’ll be the most applicable to your career and that you make the most of the time as part of the scheme.

Deziree, Banking and Financial Services

Studying towards a degree in Economics and Law, Deziree was keen to get into the Banking and Financial Services. She participated in the Career Mentor Scheme and was mentored by the Managing Director at Barclays Bank.


Deziree told us more about the advantages of the scheme.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

I had the great opportunity in meeting with my mentor face-to-face early into the scheme. It had really given us the chance to ‘break the ice’ and get to know each other outside our email and text message exchanges. Finding a job is a daunting task for every University student, so I was very happy to have been paired with a mentor who had faced the same qualms as I did towards entering the employment pool. It was truly inspiring to hear his work experience from the best (investment) banks around the world, whilst keeping me aware of the pros and cons of each job. My mentor was also kind enough to provide me a list of resources to nurture my commercial awareness and knowledge into financial events.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Perhaps learning in particular what the ‘compliance’ job role really entails has been very useful. Despite my embarrassing lack of knowledge on the profession, my mentor had been patient in explaining in depth of what the role not only requires, but also its benefits and disadvantages. His advice had certainly fuelled my desire to learn more about the job and even determined me to pursue a role in compliance.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

I highly recommend joining the Career Mentor Scheme for any student, be it to gain a deeper insight into an industry, receive support in work placement applications or even to chat with a professional. Just from my first meeting with my mentor, I had already received so much useful information into the processes of securing a career and had my many questions about my future in the financial industry answered!

Chris, Financial Markets and the City

Economics student Chris had a passion for the Financial Markets and the City and wanted to pursue this career path. He was accepted onto the Career Mentor Scheme and was matched with an Investment Manager at Risk Capital Partners LLP.


Chris had some amazing feedback to give about the way the Career Mentor Scheme helped his career development.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

Being able to gain a thorough insight into the area of finance that my mentor works in. It is very difficult to get first-hand experience through the internet, so having a contact within the industry was an invaluable opportunity. My mentor helped me with techniques and gave me fantastic advice for EY’s internship scheme and assisted me throughout the process.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Discussion about work experience are ongoing, but the insight that I have gained about the daily work life that my mentor participates in gave me a fantastic ground to base my future career decisions upon.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Participating in the Career Mentor Scheme is one of the most rewarding opportunities you will get in your time at Exeter. If you have any questions or concerns about a specific career path, a mentor can provide you with real-life experience and help guide you through these doubts, ensuring that you make the most informed decision about your post-graduation choices. If you are applying for internships or industrial placements, mentors are experienced professionals who often employ workers, so there is no one better to help support you and provide you with advice on how to succeed in your applications. There is absolutely nothing to lose by partaking in the programme and it will help you on your first step in the career ladder.

Angel, Management and Consultancy

Angel applied to the Career Mentor Scheme in order get advice and guidance into Management and Consultancy. Her mentor was the Director of Investment at Dusit International. As such his main responsibilities include studying the investment market for hotels & real estate, raising financing, developing financing structures and negotiating deals.


Angel talked to us about the benefits of the scheme.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

My mentor has a similar academic background as me, so I found  connection and comfort when talking to him (as we were both oversea students). Knowing what he went through in his career path gave me insights of how I should plan my short term and long term goals in order to stay away from working overtime without this having a purpose.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

I did not know enough about the industry as real world experience is always different from myths. He gave me insights into the industry and his comments on my prospective path were really useful.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

This scheme is definitely a really good platform for students who are graduating soon and are not sure what to do. The mentor will guide you, inspire you, help you, just like a good academic tutor would but the mentor does so in your career path.