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Uncategorized - Ipplepen Archaeological Project 2012 - Page 4

Section drawing of a pit…

Experimental Officer Sean Goddard is seen here creating a section drawing of an excavated pit.

Alison continues work in her trench…

Archaeology student Alison is photographed here removing spoil from the trench into the bucket with fellow archaeology student and small finds recorder Vicky.

Earthwatch volunteer Dave explores a feature…

Dave, a volunteer with Earthwatch, has travelled from Australia to take part in the excavations at Ipplepen.

Progress in the south-west quadrant…

Student Ben Trestrail captured this image yesterday of excavations taking place in the south-west quadrant of the site.

Student Jake measuring the site…

Archaeology student Jake took this image of the site yesterday for creating archaeological records of the excavation.

Over 200 visitors to the site open day!

Over 200 visitors attended the site open day to the public today!

Both the information point at the Hub and the excavation site in Ipplepen received over 100 enthusiastic members of the public interested in exploring the recent archaeological excavations. Visitors travelled from all over Devon to see the new […]

Student Jake’s trench…

Student Jake has captured this view from inside his trench. Jake has described it as “the oblique angle of a linear ditch.”

Arthur French provides a local history…



(Photograph courtesy of Arthur French)

(Photograph courtesy of Arthur French)

Villager Arthur French has helped the students and archaeologists at the information point by providing a local history of Ipplepen. Arthur is also founder of the Ipplepen Local History Group and […]

Locals bring finds to the information point…

“I have been honoured with the experience of local villagers bringing to the information point recent finds which they have discovered in the Devon area. The finds, including Iron Age and Roman coins, have been recorded with the Portable Antiquities Scheme who will provide further information about their discoveries. It is so […]

Completing the context sheets…

Student Alison explained that this image shows “Mr. Summer filling out all 8 of his context sheets.”