
Against the backdrop of the space race between the Soviet and US, a fifteen-year-old member of the communist party, Luciana, develops her ideals while living with her bourgeois stepfather, and among male chauvinists in a communist group in Rome.

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Further Reading

  • Nicoletta Marini-Maio ‘The Space Race, or When Communist Girls Dreamed of the Moon’ in Giancarlo Lombardi and Christian Uva, eds, Italian Political Cinema. Public Life, Imaginary and Identity in Contemporary Italian Film(Peter Lang, 2016), pp.279-289.
  • Dana Renga, ‘Italian Teen Film and the Female Auteur’ in Danielle Hipkins and Roger Pitt (eds), New Visions of the Child in Italian Cinema (Peter Lang, 2014), pp. 307-329.
  • R. Danielle Egan ‘What is Sexualization?’ in Becoming sexual: a critical appraisal of the sexualization of girls
  • Angela McRobbie, ‘Top Girls? Young Women and the New Sexual Contract’ [in] The Aftermath of Feminism: Gender, Culture and Social Change’ in The Aftermath of Feminism: Gender, Culture and Social Change
  • Rebecca Munford and Melanie Waters, ‘ “Postfeminism” or “Ghost feminism”’ in Feminism and Popular Culture