Call for Papers: Conference on Global Production

6-8th December 2017, National University of Singapore

The Global Production Networks Research Centre at the National University of Singapore (GPN@NUS) is pleased to announce that it will host the inaugural interdisciplinary ‘Conference on Global Production’ in December 2017.

This conference is intended to bring together the research community studying fragmented global production systems in a cutting-edge dialogue that is both truly global and genuinely interdisciplinary. The intention is to generate intense and productive conversations across the interconnected domains of theory, empirics, methodology and policy in a conference that is thematically organised as opposed to being structured along disciplinary lines.

Registration timeline

• Submission of paper/session proposals: 1st May 2017.

• Confirmation of acceptance by conference (including provision of acceptance letter, if required): 1st June 2017.

• Payment of non-refundable conference fee by participants: 1st August 2017. The conference fee – which will cover registration costs, lunches, and tea and coffee – will be in the region of US$100/S$150. Further details on the payment process will follow shortly.

For further details, please follow this link.