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Deprecated: define() was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 3.0.0! The constant VHOST is deprecated. Use the boolean constant SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL in wp-config.php to enable a subdomain configuration. Use is_subdomain_install() to check whether a subdomain configuration is enabled. in /var/www/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5497
Kat Hickey - Early Jurassic Earth System and Timescale (JET)

More than just colourful images

Apr. 20, 2018 by

The photo above is an image of a part of a belemnite, an ocean animal that lived millions of years ago, whose closest living relatives are squid. Because these marine creatures lived in the time of the Jurassic (and Cretaceous,

New research published – but what does it mean?

Jan. 25, 2018 by

Researcher Weimu Xu and her colleagues from the JET team have just published a new study based on their analysis of the rocks from the original Mochras core. Their work took just a small part of the core, that had


Aug. 3, 2017 by

Welcome to our blog. This space will be used to publish some updates on the drilling process, and news from the science team.

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