Festival Launch!

Event Date: 11th Feb, 2017
Event Time: 15:00 - 17:00

Royal Albert Memoiral Museum - Credit RAMM

We will begin the festival with an official launch on Saturday 11th February 2017, 3-5pm at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum (Queen Street, EX4 3RW).

Tickets are FREE for the launch event but booking is essential, please book here. 

At this afternoon event, The Right Worshipful the Lord Mayor of Exeter, Cllr Cynthia Thompson will formally open the Festival and we will hear from a range of voices who have distinctive insights into the history and contemporary lives of LGBT people in the South West and further afield, including:

Dr Alan Butler (Plymouth LGBT Archive).

Dr Michael Halls (Intercom Trust)

Natalie McGrath (Dreadnought South West)

Cheryl Morgan (OutStories Bristol and The Diversity Trust)

Come and enjoy a glass of wine with us, generously provided by Barefoot Wines.