Understanding Parliament

Parliamentparliament-uk-logo examines what the Government is doing, makes new laws, holds the power to set taxes and debates the issues of the day. The House of Commons and House of Lords each play an important role in Parliament’s work.

The workings and processes of Parliament can be difficult to understand at first.  However, the Parliament website is full of really useful information, guides, training materials and much more to help you build your knowledge and understanding.

You can find out how law is made, find out which are the key issues for the 2015 Parliament to debate and consider, plan a visit or take an online tour, find out how you engage with Parliament as well as delve into many more aspects of Parliamentary business.

Take some time to explore the Parliamentary website to find out how it can help with your learning or research.  You can also contact various Parliamentary departments and staff contacts direct if you need further assistance.

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