Copyright for Researchers Guide

A new online Copyright for Researchers Guide is now available.  The guide is aimed at PGR students and addresses issues such as using third party materials responsibly during the compilation phase of the thesis process, as well as at submission time when the thesis is made available on an open access basis in ORE, the institutional repository.

If you are a PGR student grappling with copyright issues, login and work through the tutorial in order to build your knowledge and confidence in applying copyright law to issues that arise in the research process.

The guide is available online here.  An online quiz is also available so you can test your understanding of the materials.

For those of you interested in wider IP issues, you can use the IPEquip materials that are flagged in the training guide to broaden your knowledge into these other areas of Intellectual Property,  You can work through an online suite of training modules and assessments to gain  CPD accreditation & IPO certificate on completion.

We hope this training guide will address the major copyright issues that arise for PGR students, but please get in touch with the if you need further guidance.


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