Our MBA is now 25 years old, and we thought we would celebrate such a milestone with a 25th anniversary event at our partner EY’s London headquarters in the City of London. The event starts at 6pm on 10th June and will involve our students, our alumni (some of them going back 25 years!) and our corporate partners who’ve supported us in recent years.
Our MBA is at the forefront of thinking, and the challenges the corporate world faces today are very different from those of 25 years ago. Since 2011 our MBA has emphasised business resilience and sustainability, training practicing managers and MBA participants in developing strategies aimed at enhancing corporate performance and effectiveness while being mindful of the environment in which their business operates. Today, social, economic and environmental aspects of sustainability are critical to the viability of any business, and the support we get from our network of corporate partners and external contributors highlights the urgency of embedding sustainability thinking into business education. The Guardian, one of the UK’s leading daily newspapers recently showcased our MBA in its debate on the future of business education, asking why business schools had been so slow to adapt their business education curriculum to the challenges that businesses face today. The complete redesign of our MBA at Exeter four years was a bold move, and it is pleasing to witness so much interest in what we did by the corporate world, the media and higher education institutions.
Our 25th Anniversary event is a joint University of Exeter Business School – EY (formerly Ernst & Young) event that will kick off with a keynote speech by Mike Townsend, a sustainability professional with 25 years industry experience in many different functions, a panel discussion with our corporate partners, and a networking reception. All MBA alumni will have received an invite but if you are interested in joining us on this occasion please let us know as soon as possible by emailing Nicolas Forsans, MBA Director at N.Forsans@exeter.ac.uk. The event will conclude shortly after 9pm.