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CHANGE: Think before you act. - Mindful Leaders

CHANGE: Think before you act.

Who we are

Think Before You Act (TBYA) is a Facebook page set up by 3 students from the university of Exeter that are leading a change project to try and alter student’s perception of violence and alcohol.

How did it start?

One of the co-founder of TBYA, coming from Australia, witnessed issues concerning young adolescents being killed by “on hit punches” as a result of alcohol-affected violence.

Why in Exeter?

Picture By James Ram.

This doesn’t seem to be an issue yet in Exeter, but we thought we should be proactive and provide education to the broader Exeter community about the consequences of their actions whilst they are affected by alcohol or drugs.

The issue

Social violence, which can be defined as interpersonal physical violence that occurs in a community setting. Such as pub brawls, assaults on the street and fights in the schoolyard.

The Consequences

Many instances of social violence result in serious injury and sometimes death. The harms extend the health and psychological consequences for the victim, with far reaching social, legal and economic costs to the broader community.


Interesting statistics compiled by Step Back and Think in Australia



Visit our Facebook page to find out more.

For further information please contact [contact information will follow soon].

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