Coming to university can often be a scary and unfamiliar journey…but fear not you have nothing to worry about – you’ll absolutely love it! Here are 5 common worries that you need not fret about:

  1. I won’t have any friends – Leaving your current friends and coming to an unfamiliar place may seem daunting, but don’t panic you won’t be lonely. Every other student is going through the exact same situation, so making friends couldn’t be easier!

As well as meeting people through your accommodation and course, there is ample opportunity to join societies and extra-curricular, there you can find like-minded people with similar interests to you – ideal!

  1. Running out of money – There are many ways to keep track of your money… but I would always recommend to budget. When you know exactly where your finances are you won’t get a shock every time you open your bank account.

However, if you are worried about your financial situation going into the year, relax there are plenty of part-time work opportunities both through the university and in and around Exeter. Have a look on the University’s careers website, Career Zone, where you can read through the jobs listings and find something that suits your needs and your timetable.

  1. Cooking my own food – Not being able to cook is definitely not the end of the world, so many come to university having never cooked for themselves.

So… now is your opportunity to learn, who knows you might be the next Gordon Ramsey? Either way there are plenty of people around you to help and support you, including societies which run classes_for this very reason. *And…__ one thing I love doing is cooking as a household – maybe this is something you could try?*

  1. Bad Grades – Often the step between sixth form/college may seems overwhelming, going from a class with 30 people in it to 200 means self-directed learning is vital to stay on top of your work. Find out what motivates you and plan your time out, review course content and always go to tutorials/seminars – they’re led in much smaller groups just like at school.

There is also a great network of support staff, tutors, academics and student who you are able to reach out to – you are not on your own! Don’t feel afraid to ask for help, it’s nothing to be ashamed of you’re not the only one.

  1. What will I do after university – What am I going to do with my life is a very difficult question to know the answer to, its ok not to know. Whilst at university it the perfect time to network, gain experience and fully understand you interests –making the answer to that question that little bit easier.

Whilst undertaking your course you can apply for internships, placements, work experience or even a year in industry to find out a bit more about the jobs market and experiment in your roles. The university also provide a career zone, giving all students access to career workshops (like CV writing), mock interviews and assessment centres, as well as job opportunities. The service will read through any job content and help you improve your application, helping to take the pressure off. This will remain available to you even after you graduate!

So, there you have it… 5 of the biggest worries, which you don’t need to be worried about at all! Just remember everyone is in the same boat, don’t be afraid to reach out.