Eddy CovarianceSaltmarshes

Essex Saltmarsh Eddy Covariance Tower Removal

Abbott's Hall Saltmarsh, Essex

I first setup the tower on the Abbott’s Hall Saltmarsh, Essex in December 2012 with the help of Mel Chocholek. It has survived nearly seven years and two tidal surges, but it now time to take down the tower. The tower was located on the Blackwater estuary has been a magical place to visit. Each time I have visited the tower for maintenance I have been struck by how special a place it is: although actually quite close to large numbers of homes, as soon as you cross the sea wall the marsh has the feeling of somewhere remote and hidden away. I will miss this ever changing landscape…

Thank you Jon and Songyan for your help in removing the tower and leaving the marsh as it was found…

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