
Ways to get in contact

If you are a participant or school involved in this research project and would like further information or have any questions you can email or you can write to the address below (please make sure you use your personal identification number):

Warren Speed
North Cloisters 20
St Luke’s Campus
University of Exeter
Heavitree Road
Exeter EX1 2LU


If you have any concerns or questions about the research that you would like to discuss with someone else at the university you can contact Professor Rob Freathy by emailing or by writing to the address below:

Professor Rob Freathy
Associate Dean (Education)
Baring Court 111
St Luke’s Campus
College Road
Exeter EX1 1TE

01392 722723




If you have any ethical concerns that cannot be addressed by the contacts above you can contact Gail Seymour the Research Ethics and Governance Manager for the University of Exeter by emailing or by calling 01392 726621.