Tools for Schools
  • Tools for Schools


    Resources for: 


    The free online book Stories That Never Stand Still is short read, including comics and poems written by other people with ADHD!


    ADHD and Me is a podcast hosted by Saeedeh Hashemi on BBC Sounds. She talks about her own diagnosis of ADHD and the benefits of neurodiversity in the modern working environment, as well as discussing the potential renaming of ADHD.

    I Have ADHD podcast was created by Kristen Carder – the podcast host and a Life Coach from the United States. The podcast is aimed at adults with ADHD and covers a huge range of topics.

    TED talks:

    For an education and ADHD focussed video, How Schools Could Do Better is perfect. Josh Cook supports the development of new methods to support students with ADHD as they move through the education system. (Please note: the lighting in this video does flicker throughout.)

    Failing at Normal: an ADHD Success Story is Jessica McCabe’s own story – including her diagnosis, what strategies work for her and her difficulties throughout her education. She also has a YouTube channel (How to ADHD) where she covers content for people with ADHD, parents and teachers.

    The writer, director, and ADHD advocate, Stephen Tonti spoke about ADHD As A Difference In Cognition, Not A Disorder.