Data Discovery Day – Exeter Library



The Libraries Data Discovery Day took place on 17th March 2017 in the
Rougement Room, Exeter Library. It invited diverse participants—from
library staff and friends groups to local communities and academics—to get
together and discuss the ways in which data could better help us
understand and communicate the impact that libraries have on everyone’s

Over the course of one day we facilitated discussions, explored data
ecosystems and captured the vital questions (and answers). This document
pulls together many of the conversations we had and invites everyone to
reflect on the next steps.

Data Discovery Day Report (View original PDF)

Lightning Talks

After an introduction from Ciara Eastell we began the morning and
afternoon sessions with short talks from Colin Bray, Luke Burton,
Matt Little, Beverley Hawkins and Gemma John.

Round Table Discussions

From the talks, initial conversations and building the data ecosystem we
drew up a list of questions. From these questions we voted for the top five
and these were distributed among the tables for discussion. Each table
wrote and sketched their conversations before switching tables to explore a
different topic.