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Recent News - BRIM - Building Resilience Into risk Management - Page 2

Invitation: Survey for the Next BRIM Workshop

We are planning on running a workshop that aims to discuss and review the following question:

What are the three main research challenges for Building Resilience Into Risk Management in Engineering over the next five to ten years?

In order to structure the workshop we invite you to answer this question by following the link below. The question will be open until 2nd April 2017. Following this, we will send you a new link which will contain all the input we’ve received and you will be asked to cluster the responses. Once this has been done, the tool will create headings which we can use in the workshop to structure our discussions.

Please note, this does mean that at the workshop we will see ideas submitted from people who may not be able to attend the workshop. We hope that you will agree that this is a good way of incorporating as many ideas as possible to form a community view.


Please use this link:

Call for participants to the UK-China joint workshop on “Urban Flooding and Sponge Cities”

Shenzhen, China 3rd – 5th July 2017

Under the Researcher Links scheme offered within the British Council’s Newton Fund, we will be holding a workshop on “Urban Flooding and Sponge Cities” in Shenzhen, China on 3rd – 5th July 2017.

The workshop is being coordinated by Professor Dragan Savić FREng, Professor Guangtao Fu, and Dr Albert Chen at the University of Exeter, UK and Chinese partners Professor Yuntao Guan and Professor Haifeng Jia, Tsinghua University and Professor Huapeng Qin, Peking University. We are now inviting Early Career Researchers from the UK to apply to attend this workshop. All expenses related to travel, accommodation and meals will be covered by the Newton Researcher Links programme. The application form should be sent to Dr Fanlin Meng () for UK participants before the deadline of 1st April 2017.


Flood and Coast 2017- Risk, Resilience and Response in a Changing Climate

Telford International Centre, 28-30 March 2017

Led by the Environment Agency, Flood and Coast will draw together key stakeholders from the flood and coastal erosion risk management (FCRM) community, including local authorities, infrastructure owners, consultancies, contractors, businesses, community groups and universities.  It aims to advance the debate about flood and coast erosion risk, resilience and response.

A three-day programme of workshops, presentations, debate and panel sessions tailored to the topics selected by the government and industry panel is accompanied by a trade show and exhibition which allows all stakeholders unrivalled networking opportunities.

For more information and to register please see the website:

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