All posts by Bozhana Miteva

Yazmin, Law and Legal Services

Yazmin joined the Career Mentor Scheme to gain an insight into a career in Law and for guidance on employability skills and applications. She was paired with a solicitor at Irwin Mitchell. Like Yazmin, this mentor studied an undergraduate Law degree at Exeter. She then went on to obtain a training contract and has since worked as a solicitor for several law firms before obtaining her current at Irwin Mitchell.


Yazmin achieved several objectives, including experience in professional CV writing, obtaining work experience and gaining an invaluable insight into the sector. Here is what she shared with us.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

I enjoyed my week of work experience at Slater & Gordon, and felt as though I developed my employability skills during this week. I also gained an insight into what a career in the legal sector may be like.

Also, my mentor was always willing to read my applications and give me constructive feedback on how I could improve them.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

The week of work experience.

 What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

This is an ideal opportunity to gain an insight into a career that you may be interested in. There is also the chance to develop employability skills and to gain valuable contacts.

Sam, Surveying and Property Management

Sam joined the mentor scheme to gain some insight into the property sector. He was
paired with a Housing Development Manager for Exeter City Council. This mentor’s previous roles have included a Development Manager and a Consultant Project Manager for other organisations.


Sam achieved many of his objectives through the partnership, including guidance towards finding a job in the sector, professional experience to add onto his CV and help preparing for graduate level applications.

Please let us know some of the highlights for you during the scheme.

I attended a number of conferences and managed to hear influential people speak and listen to interesting discussions. This included the Exeter Breakfast Forum and a conference where many of the regional leading renewable energy companies had representatives at.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into chosen profession.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

It’s definitely worth your time.

Sam’s mentor added some comments on her highlights.

“Enabling an undergraduate to widen their horizon on career opportunities. Assisting an undergraduate with shaping the topic of their dissertation and providing them with contacts to assist them in their research.
Sharing with an undergraduate the work and role of the public sector. Observing an undergraduate develop their confidence and self-awareness skills.”

Rebecca, Law and Legal Services

Rebecca, an undergraduate student studying English, was looking to gain some support and guidance into Law. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, she was assigned to a partner at Ropes & Gray LLP. Within this role he is focused on private equity, public and private M&A and innovative special situation deals.


Following regular communication with her mentor, Rebecca told us about the most valuable aspects of the scheme for her. Rebecca met all of her objectives, including gaining a greater confidence for the application process and gaining a training contract.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

Every time I spoke or met with my mentor, he always gave me a real confidence boost that helped me persevere through the gruelling application process to become a trainee solicitor. My main highlight was sharing the news of my job offers with my mentor at the end of the summer. He supported and guided me through the decision of which offer to take. My mentor’s advice was impartial and insightful, and I feel that he helped me make the best decision for me.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

My mentor’s insight and advice were extremely useful, from application/cv proofreading to general advice about self-confidence and personal development. His help didn’t just help with an insight into the industry and finding a job, but with the whole process, including dealing with rejections, interview stress, and balancing my job hunt with academic work and personal life.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Schemes?

The Career Mentor Scheme is invaluable. In building a relationship with my mentor I received honest advice and a genuine insight into the legal profession. I feel that the scheme works best if you are well-prepared and hardworking; your mentor is not there to do the hard work for you, but to help refine your skills and direct your drive so you can achieve your maximum potential. I felt that my mentor genuinely cared about my development, and it was great to have someone in the profession to share both my difficulties and successes with.

Rebecca’s mentor also noted several highlights from the scheme:

“The highlight was Rebecca being awarded a first class degree and then going on to secure a training contract with Allen & Overy.”


Jack, Media, Publishing and Journalism

Jack, a second year Politics student, interested in Media, Publishing and Journalism was assigned a mentor who is the Home Affairs Correspondent for BBC South West, based in Exeter.

This mentor graduated with a Natural Sciences degree in 1990 and went onto do a Postgraduate diploma in Broadcast Journalism. Previous to his current position at the BBC he was a Deputy News Editor and before that he worked as an ITV news reporter.


Jack said that he felt he’d achieved his objectives through the Career Mentor Scheme. The following are a few that he mentioned:

  • It improved my confidence to seek graduate level employment and helped to prepare me for my next steps after graduation
  • It improved my personal skills needed for graduate employment
  • The scheme developed my professional contacts and networking opportunities as well as making a professional contact with my mentor
  • I gained an insight into the profession/sector as well as receiving advice and tips for applications and CVs
  • Gained academic support from mentor for degree programme

What was the highlight of the scheme for you?

Meeting with my mentor was both enjoyable and insightful. Having him as my mentor was a huge highlight in itself!

When we asked Jack for his feedback he said he’d like to stay in contact with his mentor after the scheme had finished and would recommend the Career Mentor Scheme to a friend.

We spoke to Jack’s mentor who said that some of the highlight of the scheme for him was:

“Meeting and getting to know an excellent, highly motivated young man who wanted to do his best in the world and being able to help in that.”


Lucas, Science

Lucas, a second year Geography student, was interested in Science and Geography. He was assigned the Head of Centre for Research at the Forestry Commission in Farnham. This mentor graduated from Exeter in 1998 with a BA (Hons) in Geography. From there he went on to further study an MSc in Environmental Forestry and then a PhD in Remote Sensing of Forests. He has been working at the Forestry Commission in the department of forestry research since 2007 where he has worked his way to the post of Head of Communications and Operations.

Lucas said that he achieved the objectives he was hoping for in taking part in the Career Mentor Scheme.

  • It improved and required management skills, it was down to Lucas to set up and organise meetings with his mentor at a time that was suitable for both of them
  • The mentor scheme improved the students confidence for seeking graduate level employment and gave guidance to help prepare for the next steps after University
  • The mentor scheme gave a useful insight into the profession with helpful advice on good/bad aspects of a career from someone in the know
  • Useful to understand if your current career ideas are right for you and how you can go about getting into that career

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

  • Meeting with someone who is employed in the field you are interested in to give you useful insights and information about the career field to explain real life positives and negatives
  • Having someone to discuss your future career with is very useful with someone asking specific questions about what sort of business size and team dynamic is important to define exactly what direction you want to go in and what kind of company is most suitable for you
  • Expanding network and encouraging and helping student to find internship opportunities
  • Mentor discussing University work with student and discussing ideas and progress to help with perspective of degree in career path

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Getting advice on the career I wished to go into from someone in the know and the wealth of resources and people I could talk to about career opportunities.

Isabelle, Healthcare and Wellbeing

Isabelle, a third year Psychology student, interested in healthcare and wellbeing took part in the Career Mentor Scheme and was assigned a Service Development Facilitator at Royal Devon and Exeter NHS trust since 2013. This mentor had a variety of qualifications including BA (Hons) in Music in 2000 from Exeter, a Professional Diploma in Financial Services Management, 2011, BSc (Hons) in Adult Nursing in 2012 from Plymouth, and became a Registered Nurse in 2012.


Isabelle said she achieved all of the objectives she had set-out for the Career Mentor Scheme including:

  • Improving her personal skills for graduate employment e.g. listening skills, general confidence
  • Gathering information about how to get in to the career she was interested in, and obtaining help with these next steps
  • Gaining help with cover letters and application forms
  • Making a future professional contact in her mentor
  • Gaining insight into the industry she was interested in and finding out about good and bad aspects

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

A particular highlight included visiting my mentor’s place of employment for a shadowing experience which was extremely interesting. It was also eye-opening to see another industry that I previously had not considered for graduate employment. More generally, an outside perspective and opinion on my choices for graduate employment was extremely beneficial.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Personally, the major benefit from the scheme was gaining the confidence to seek graduate level employment, specifically outside the sector I had been narrowing my search to previously. In addition, there was a number of hints and tips given to aid my seeking of graduate employment which I would have otherwise not have been aware of.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

The Scheme is an extremely useful tool provided by the University to allow students to gain insight into real-life graduate recruitment, and the options available after the particularly scary reality of graduating. Personally, I have gained invaluable experience that has boosted my confidence to allow me to seek graduate employment with more belief in oneself.

Isabelle’s mentor added his thoughts about the scheme –

“ It was lovely to work with a younger person and give them the encouragement and insight I wish I had had.”

Hebe, Theatre and Performing Arts

Hebe, a second year English student, interested in Theatre and Performing Arts was assigned a Performing Arts Programme Leader at The House, Plymouth University. This mentor graduated from Exeter in 2005 with a BA in Drama. From 2007-2010 he was an associate lecturer at Exeter College and then 2010-2013, he was the Co-Founder and Director of the Bike Shed Theatre.


Hebe said he felt like he’d achieved his objectives through the Career Mentor Scheme. Here’s a few that he mentioned:

  • It improved my personal skills – confidence building, listening skills for graduate employment
  • My mentor helped me gain professional experience to build my CV and helped me develop professional contacts and access networking opportunities
  • My mentor helped me gain insight and informed me about what I needed to do to get in to the career I’m interested in as well as pointing out good and bad aspects of the industry
  • My mentor helped me gain insight into further education/ professional courses related to my profession

What was the highlight of the scheme for you?

My mentor introduced me to Exeter Phoenix’s short film commission and helped me complete my proposal form and prepare for an interview. This was greatly useful as my application was successful and will be really helpful, in terms of adding relevant work experience to my CV and learning more about the industry I intend to work in. I do not think I would have learnt about this opportunity, let alone have succeeded in my application, without the Mentor Scheme.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

It is definitely worth applying for as it offers so many opportunities, from gaining advice about particular sectors to learning how you can enter specific industries. The mentors are always willing to help with any advice, and the fact you can learn about a job sector from someone who has experienced it, is great.


Michael, Banking and Financial Services

Michael, a second year Economics student at the time, was interested in going into the Financial Services sector and applied for a mentor in this industry. He was matched with a Director at EY. This mentor graduated from the University of Exeter with a BA in Economics and Politics in 1997. Between 1997 and 2002 he worked as a Manager in Fraud Investigation at PricewaterhouseCoopers, before working at Credit Suisse as a Global Head Securities Customer Onboarding from 2002 to 2010. He then joined HSBC in 2011 as the Global Head of KYC Data Remediation.


Michael, having completed the scheme, let us know some of the highlights of the scheme for his career development.

He told us that he improved his personal skills, made a future professional contact in his mentor and developed his interview techniques – these being just a few examples of what he achieved by participating in the Career Mentor Scheme. Michael particularly highlighted that he increased his “knowledge of finding internships and work experience in this sector”, something incredibly useful considering how competitive the financial industry can be to get into.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

Meeting my mentor in London and seeing the EY offices was a good experience and getting the insight into interviews in the industry; as well as having a practice interview with my mentor was an invaluable experience.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Gaining an insight into my chosen profession.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Make sure you choose your mentor carefully to ensure they’ll be the most applicable to your career and that you make the most of the time as part of the scheme.

Charlotte, Education, Teaching, Research

Charlotte undertook the Career Mentor Scheme in November 2014, during her first year at university. She is a geography student who was interested in pursuing a career in education and research, which allowed us to match her with the Head of Employability Services at the University of Exeter. This mentor’s main responsibility is to lead various teams through a period of significant change, to meet the professional development needs of 16,000 students and key staff groups, across 3 locations, to significantly improve graduate employment outcomes in order to place Exeter amongst the best UK universities for graduate skills development and employment.


Through the scheme, Charlotte was able to get an insight into the profession she was interested in and obtained job hunting resources which helped her further determine the path of work, which she wanted to take upon graduation. She pointed out that finding out about both the good and bad aspects of the profession was really beneficial as well, and that she was able to build up her personal skills which will help her employability in the future.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

I enjoyed meeting my mentor for the first time at the event organised by the Career Zone. There was a very relaxed and friendly atmosphere and it was a good way to get to know each other before fully taking part in the mentor experience.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

I gained a lot of advice on how to develop my own personal skills and relate them to my professional development.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Don’t be afraid to be honest about what you want to gain out of the experience as you never know what expertise and knowledge your mentor may have beyond their current profession that could be of interest to you.

Kathryn, Science

Kathryn, a final year Psychology student, was interested in going into the Scientific Research and Development sector and applied for a mentor in this industry. She was matched with a UX Research Consulant at cxpartners. This mentor has recently moved from academic research into user experience research in the private sector.  Her main role is to carry out research on technological problems and to suggest solutions and designs to improve the experience for users by making the interaction simpler, effortless and enjoyable.  11139355_10155516572190181_484725343416135809_n

Kathryn gave us an insight of the benefits of the scheme to her career development:

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

Getting reassurance throughout the year when I didn’t get a graduate scheme or bouncing ideas off them about what I really want to do.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into the different roles Emma had had and whether I was suited to them; guidance with career paths and graduate schemes.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Do it – you will gain so much from just a few emails, whether it is reassurance, advice, networking opportunities. It will all help you even if you don’t realise it at the time.