All posts by Bozhana Miteva

Gabrielle, Politics and Government

Gabrielle participated in the Career Mentor Scheme during her first year. Interested in politics and government she was matched with the Head of Corporate Services at Dorset, Devon and Cornwall Community Rehabilitation Company. This mentor’s main responsibilities included corporate services and business development for the CRC, acting as an Executive Board Member and was Secretary to the Board. He was a member of the Parole Board in England and Wales at the time and had previous experience as a probation officer.

PP Gabrielle

Having met in person multiple times, Gabrielle felt her objectives for the scheme had been met. She was able to improve her personal skills, gain professional experience and an insight into both the good and bad aspects of the profession. She shared some of the ways the scheme was beneficial to her:

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

Being able to get an insight into the different range of professions I can do with my degree and having the opportunity to network with professionals and gain an understanding of how they chose their own career pathways.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into my chosen profession.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

The Career Mentor Scheme allows students to gain insight and practical understanding of what they can do after their degree. It can either reinforce your notion of a particular job or completely change your views. It is definitely a worthwhile programme, and I would strongly recommend it.

Emma, Purchasing and Procurement

Emma participated in the Career Mentor Scheme during her second year. Interested in purchasing and procurement, Emma was matched with a procurement officer for Cornwall Council. This mentor, an alumnus of the University of Exeter, is interested in sustainability, environmental management and climate change. At the council, his main responsibilities were developing and delivering the Council’s Responsible Procurement Programme which governed how the council considered agendas such as environmental sustainability, safeguarding and equality and diversity in their purchasing. At the time, he was also working on the procurement of Children’s Social Care Services and had launched the Cornwall Supplier Development Programme.

Both Emma and her mentor felt that their main objectives had been achieved through the scheme. Emma felt her confidence in applying for graduate jobs had grown, she had successfully developed professional contacts and gained an insight into the field. This mentor felt that he had given back to the university through the scheme and was pleased to have facilitated her work experience at TFL.


Emma shared some insights into the ways in which the scheme was beneficial to her:

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

I enjoyed being able to visit my mentor at his place of work as I was able to get a feel of his working environment and meet colleagues in relevant sectors to discuss potential career opportunities.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Through my mentor I have acquired two weeks work experience at Transport for London (TFL) in June and so hope that this will be one of the most useful outcomes of my mentoring experience. Also the recommendation to go to IEMA (Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment) networking events has been another useful outcome of this mentoring experience.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

The career mentor scheme provides a unique and invaluable opportunity to engage with a professional within a sector of the job market which interests you. It is a way of gaining an ‘inside account’ of what skills you will need, what employers look for in applicants and also the upsides and downsides of working in such a sector. Not only this but there is the chance that your mentor may be able to provide you with some form of work experience, something which is greatly valued in the current job market. I would therefore strongly recommend taking this opportunity.


Joel, Defence and Public Protection

Joel was interested in a career in Defence and Public Protection and wanted to get an insight into the profession. He therefore applied to be mentored by a Civil Servant at the Ministry of Defence. Working at the Ministry of Defences since 2003, at the time of their partnership this mentor’s main responsibilities related to project management, ministerial and parliamentary business and International Relations.


Joel had set a number of ambitious objectives at the beginning of the scheme and managed to achieve all of them, including gaining work experience and developing his interview techniques.

What was the highlight of the scheme for you?

Going to the Ministry of Defence in Bristol for work experience was very enlightening.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Work experience, networking and understanding what it takes to get the job that I want and other non-academic skills I would need.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Use every opportunity you get to learn, from their mistakes and successes.

Flora, Media, Publishing and Journalism

In the beginning of her second year Flora successfully applied to the Career Mentor Scheme and was as a result matched with a Features Editor at GQ. After graduating from a Sociology degree at the University of Exeter, this mentor was first a freelance journalist, writing for the Telegraph, the Observer, Classic Cars and Autocar. Between 2011 and 2014 he was a Senior Writer at BBC’s Top Gear Magazine.

Guardian Profile Picture

The mentoring partnership was really helpful to Flora. She received help from her mentor with application forms, learned more about the next steps after graduation and developed her networking opportunities. This mentor also managed to arrange some work experience for her at GQ.

What was the highlight of the scheme for you?

My main highlight  – work experience at GQ – is yet to take place. I will be working with my mentor for those 2 weeks during August.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

I’ve gained an insight into journalism, and my mentor has been particularly keen to help me prepare for my application to do an  MA in Journalism.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

It’s an excellent way of gaining an insight into your chosen sector.

Deziree, Banking and Financial Services

Studying towards a degree in Economics and Law, Deziree was keen to get into the Banking and Financial Services. She participated in the Career Mentor Scheme and was mentored by the Managing Director at Barclays Bank.


Deziree told us more about the advantages of the scheme.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

I had the great opportunity in meeting with my mentor face-to-face early into the scheme. It had really given us the chance to ‘break the ice’ and get to know each other outside our email and text message exchanges. Finding a job is a daunting task for every University student, so I was very happy to have been paired with a mentor who had faced the same qualms as I did towards entering the employment pool. It was truly inspiring to hear his work experience from the best (investment) banks around the world, whilst keeping me aware of the pros and cons of each job. My mentor was also kind enough to provide me a list of resources to nurture my commercial awareness and knowledge into financial events.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Perhaps learning in particular what the ‘compliance’ job role really entails has been very useful. Despite my embarrassing lack of knowledge on the profession, my mentor had been patient in explaining in depth of what the role not only requires, but also its benefits and disadvantages. His advice had certainly fuelled my desire to learn more about the job and even determined me to pursue a role in compliance.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

I highly recommend joining the Career Mentor Scheme for any student, be it to gain a deeper insight into an industry, receive support in work placement applications or even to chat with a professional. Just from my first meeting with my mentor, I had already received so much useful information into the processes of securing a career and had my many questions about my future in the financial industry answered!

Simona, Accounting and Auditing

Simona wanted to pursue a career in the Accounting and Auditing sector. As part of the Career Mentor Scheme she was mentored by a Non-executive director at BDO LLP. After completing his BA History and Politics and MA Modern European History with French at Exeter, this mentor also completed ACA and FCA. In 2005 he completed PMD at Harvard Business School.


Simona shared an insight into how the Career Mentor Scheme was useful to her.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

I enjoyed having constant personal support, whenever I needed it, and having it tailored to what I needed at the time. For example when I had an interview coming up, I just emailed my mentor and we set up a skype call where he coached me through it.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Getting one-on-one insight into the industry, being coached through an assessment day and interview.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

I would highly advise it! I think it’s one of the best ways, aside from interning, to prepare for the professional industry while at university.

Chris, Financial Markets and the City

Economics student Chris had a passion for the Financial Markets and the City and wanted to pursue this career path. He was accepted onto the Career Mentor Scheme and was matched with an Investment Manager at Risk Capital Partners LLP.


Chris had some amazing feedback to give about the way the Career Mentor Scheme helped his career development.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

Being able to gain a thorough insight into the area of finance that my mentor works in. It is very difficult to get first-hand experience through the internet, so having a contact within the industry was an invaluable opportunity. My mentor helped me with techniques and gave me fantastic advice for EY’s internship scheme and assisted me throughout the process.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Discussion about work experience are ongoing, but the insight that I have gained about the daily work life that my mentor participates in gave me a fantastic ground to base my future career decisions upon.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Participating in the Career Mentor Scheme is one of the most rewarding opportunities you will get in your time at Exeter. If you have any questions or concerns about a specific career path, a mentor can provide you with real-life experience and help guide you through these doubts, ensuring that you make the most informed decision about your post-graduation choices. If you are applying for internships or industrial placements, mentors are experienced professionals who often employ workers, so there is no one better to help support you and provide you with advice on how to succeed in your applications. There is absolutely nothing to lose by partaking in the programme and it will help you on your first step in the career ladder.

Cherrina, Law and Legal Services

Whilst in her first year, Cherrina applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to be mentored by a Partner at Ropes & Gray LLP. At the time of their mentoring partnership, this mentor was focusing on private equity, public and private M&A and innovative special situation deals. He also provided advice on all aspects of domestic and cross-border M&A transactions and on a broad range of corporate finance, joint venture, restructuring, and corporate governance issues.


Cherrina benefited from the mentoring experience in a number of ways. She achieved all objectives she had, including improving skills needed for graduate employment and gaining work shadowing. Here is what Cherrina shared with us.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

One of the highlights was going into my mentor’s office for a meeting. Received his comments on application forms, which later helped me secure an open day, was also really great.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into law.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

It is a hugely useful opportunity if you can take full advantage of it.


Beth, Creative Arts, Design and Crafts

Postgraduate student Beth was looking to gain an insight into the Creative Arts, Design and Crafts sector. The Career Mentor Scheme matched Beth with a freelance arts consultant. After completing an MA in Drama at Exeter, this mentor also got a Post-graduate Certificate of Education from Oxford University.


Beth gained a lot from the Career Mentor Scheme, including improving her confidence and developing professional contacts. The scheme also helped Beth obtain job hunting resources and prepare for the next steps after graduation.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

-Meeting my mentor in person.
-Undertaking work experience at an arts festival in Bristol.
-Networking via phone with one of my mentor’s contacts.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

-Insight from someone with lengthy industry experience.
-Work experience off the back of their contacts.
-Insight into other ways of gaining relevant experience.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

An invaluable chance to gain insight from industry professionals whilst still studying.

Joseph, Human Resources, Recruitment and Training

Joseph was a Materials Engineering student who applied to the Career Mentor Scheme in his second year. Due to his interest in the  Human Resources, Recruitment and Training sector he was matched with a Director and owner of management consultancy company Dartington Associates Ltd.


Joseph had a suburb experience being mentored. He achieved various objectives including obtaining job hunting resources and gaining professional experience to put on his CV.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

Mentor set up a visit to Becton dickinson; got to see the manufacture of medical equipment.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Work experience, feedback from CV and interview.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Do it – what have you got to lose? Potentially lots to gain.
Know what you want to get out of it.

“I was able to assist with CV and interview techniques and to arrange a one day work experience for my mentee.” Joseph’s mentor