All posts by Bozhana Miteva

Samantha, Charity and Development Work

Samantha, a postgraduate Social & Organisational Psychology student was interested in going into Charity and Development work. Through the Career Mentor Scheme she was matched with a Communications and Project Manager at Oxford Brookes University.


Samantha shared with us what the advantages of the scheme were to her. She felt she achieved every single objective she and her mentor set at the beginning of the scheme, such as developing her interview techniques, gathering information about the sector and improving her personal skills needed for graduate employment.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

Visiting my mentor, sorting out my CV, and identifying how to network and build networking skills.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Going to visit my mentor and shadow her/others with her employer as it helped me understand precisely what I did and didn’t like about the sector.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Definitely apply as you learn lots about the job area and why it is or isn’t right for you which is something research alone won’t tell you and importantly you make a friend you can keep in contact with in the future.

“I enjoy helping my mentee develop her confidence and reassure her that she doesn’t need to have every single answer just yet.” – Samantha’s mentor

Jaime, Human Resources, Recruitment and Training

Coming from an Accounting and Finance degree Jaime wanted to get into the Human Resources, Recruitment and Training sector. She successfully applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to be mentored by a Publicity Manager at Acas.

Headshot Photo

Jaime benefited from the mentoring partnership in various ways. This mentor helped Jaime consider the next steps after university and assisted Jaime in developing her professional contacts. Jaime also had her CV improved and received help with application forms.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

The opportunity given to me by my mentor to meet professionals in my sector. She did a lot to give me such opportunities.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Work shadowing, networking opportunities, insight into future graduate career application.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme? 

Really helpful as long as you do not demand too much of your mentor, and appreciate every opportunity he/she creates for you.

Madeleine, Accounting and Auditing

Whilst in her final year Madeleine was undecided in terms of whether she should apply to graduate jobs or go travelling. She applied to the Career Mentor Scheme in order to get more guidance and career advice and was matched with the director at the Old Mill Accountancy LLP. This mentor has had a varied career within accountancy, working in different sized organisations and both in and outside London.pic-01

Madeleine found the Career Mentor Scheme really helpful. It helped her improve her confidence and make the decision to apply for graduate schemes. She developed her interview techniques and learned more about what is good and bad about the industry. She also developed her commercial awareness significantly.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

The thing I found most useful was what I learned about the accountancy sector. My mentor explained to me about the huge range of challenges facing the accountancy sector which meant that when I got to the interview stage of my assessment centres I was able to really impress the interviewer.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

The mentor scheme is a great opportunity to get a deeper insight into a certain sector that you are interested in. What I learned from my mentor was very useful when I got to interview, as I had more of an understanding of challenges facing the industry. I discussed my professional experiences with my mentor which helped me develop my responses to competency questions and we also discussed the importance of and methods for becoming more commercially aware.

“By debriefing after interviews/assessment centres, I helped her to understand how employers view things and to refine her approach. She succeeded in getting a job offer from the best of the firms that she had applied to, which was a great result.” – Madeleine’s Mentor

James, Theatre and Performing Arts

James was matched with a freelance actor and theatre practitioner, through the Career Mentor Scheme. This mentor specialises in theatre-in-education, working mostly with children and young people. The majority of her work is in schools, providing curriculum-enhancing drama workshops and creative days to children and young people.

This mentor’s experience and guidance was really useful to James. He gave us an insight into their mentoring partnership.


What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

Meeting my mentor was incredibly worthwhile as it made it easier to discuss the career I am interested in and therefore I got a lot out of it.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Gaining insight into working in the creative industries (the employment sector I am interested in) including the good/bad aspects of the industry, as well as the many different possible careers there are within the industries.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Make sure you have a plan of what you want to discuss/find out. Always reply promptly. Always try and meet your mentor at least once if you can.

“It was wonderful working with a student who was so keen, and who was really prepared to take advantage of the scheme. I very much enjoyed meeting and working with James, and thought his enthusiasm was admirable.” – James’ Mentor


Luke, Accounting and Auditing

Luke was mentored by an Executive Director at EY, as part of the Career Mentor Scheme. In his role this mentor’s main responsibility is to ensure quality of service delivery to EY’s clients and continued growth of the business.


Luke had a superb experience participating in the scheme.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

During the scheme I was looking for an industrial placement and my mentor gave me a significant degree of support throughout each of my applications, being willing to read over my applications, give advice on what different companies will be looking for and helping to develop strong examples where I show the competencies they are looking for. I now feel like I am much more competent in the application process and when it comes to applying for graduate roles I should be in good stead.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into the industry I was applying for, which you wouldn’t get unless you speak to someone who is experienced.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

The scheme is the best way to get a true insight into whatever field you are looking to go into.


Sarah, Purchasing and Procurement

During her second year Sarah, doing Business and Management, applied to the Career Mentor Scheme. She was matched with mentor a Commodity Buyer at Ford Motor Company.


Through the scheme Sarah increased her confidence and obtained job hunting resources.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

My mentor provided me with a breakdown of his daily role.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Expert insight into the sector I was interested in – I am in fact now continuing into a similar sector for my placement year in Procurement!

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

It is especially useful to get a real insight into the sector; more of an understanding of the daily aspects and undertakings the role the mentor has in his/her workplace. Very key when considering an area that there is not much information on online.

Laura, Human Resources

During her final year Laura applied to be mentored by Head of Human Resources at Canaccord Genuity Hawkpoint, a corporate finance advisory firm.


Laura gave us an insight into her experience of the Career Mentor Scheme.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

The highlight of the scheme for me was being able to meet my mentor in person. Being able to see the London investment banking environment was incredibly helpful in enabling me to recognise early on in the year that I wasn’t personally suited to work in this particular location.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

When faced with the difficult decision of choosing between a variety of graduate scheme offers, my mentor provided me with invaluable insight and advice about the advantages and disadvantages of each company and the reward package that they offered. This enabled me to make a well informed decision about my future career, something that would not have been possible without the brilliant support from my mentor.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

It’s incredibly helpful if you want to find out information about a specific industry or sector.

Isobel, Politics and Government

History and International Relations student Isobel was matched with an Administrator of Région Haute-normandie, France.

This mentor is an Exeter alumnus, who has worked at various organisations and positions in his career. Between 1997 and 1999 he was an Administrator at the European Parliament. He then moved on to be an Economist at the Office for National Statistics before starting at his position as an Administrator of  Région Haute-normandie.

Isobel achieved all objectives she had set at the beginning of the scheme. She received help with cover letters and application forms, improved her confidence to seek graduate jobs and developed her professional contacts.

Izzy Uni card photo_compressed

Were there any other objectives you achieved?

To gain work experience and a greater insight into this field of work.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

Having a professional opinion for some of the choices I am having to make- Masters Programmes etc.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Having a contact with professional and well regarded CVs to reference and get to know.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

It is a great opportunity to have an in-depth insight into the professional line of work.

Toby, Management and Consultancy

Ancient History student Toby applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to be matched with a Director at Inspired Exchange. This mentor has been in the Management and Consultancy sector for a long time. Previous positions he has held include Assistant Director of Leisure at Hackney Borough Council,  Independent Leisure Consultant and Projects Director at  London Events Agency.

Toby Gladwin

Toby had a lot of positive feedback to share with us regarding how the scheme helped his career development.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

My mentor was incredibly friendly yet always professional. He set the precedent and he seemed to respect and enjoy the enthusiasm and engagement that I came with. On leaving my first meeting I felt like I could have walked into any interview and got the job. My mentor installed confidence in my through an understanding of the process and the requirements of employers and belief in my abilities and suitability. He is an excellent mentor to have and I am incredibly thankful to him for his time, energy and continuing support.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

My mentor was very direct, when working through my CV, career path or any interview questions, he would always answer in an incredibly transparent fashion. He verbally ranked my experiences/attributes on my first CV and helped explain how ‘facts and stories’ make the most convincing reading. I know have full confidence in my CV and am excited for the next stage.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

My mentor helped me get from a shaky CV and a rough idea of jobs after university to a solid CV I have full confidence in and a job offer when I graduate. What have you got to lose?


Harry, Education, Teaching and Research

Harry, English student was matched with Head of Classics at Exeter College through the Career Mentor Scheme. This mentor teaches Classical Civilisation and Ancient History at AS and A2 level. He has previously also worked at the Open University and the University of Exeter, where he taught Ancient Greek.

Harry had a superb experience being mentored. The scheme helped him gather information about the entry requirements and the good and bad aspects of being a teacher. At the end of the partnership Harry also felt  better prepared to seek graduate level employment and he had developed professional contacts in the sector.


What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

Going to Exeter College to see my mentor teach and also being able to chat to some of the staff there was definitely a personal highlight.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into teaching as a career.

“The ability to be of real practical use to my mentee was the highlight for me.” – Harry’s mentor