All posts by pac217

Annie, Media, Publishing and Journalism

Annie, an English student, was interested in a career in TV Broadcasting and wanted to use the scheme to answer questions she had regarding the industry and learn how to create an extensive professional network that would open up further employment opportunities. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Annie was matched with the Home Affairs Correspondent for BBC South West. This role involves researching, preparing, writing and presenting new stories for three channels of media: radio, television and online. This mentor has also worked as Deputy News Editor for BBC South West, News Reporter for ITV and as a Radio Newsreader and Presenter.

“An unparalleled insight”

Annie achieved all of her objectives including widening her contacts and professional network, receiving help to improve her CV and knowledge of application forms to increase her chance of gaining internships and graduate roles.

Annie shared her experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

Finding out the type of person my mentor’s company would be looking to employ, successfully gaining a job with the invaluable help from my mentor

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Just getting more information about the industry and company from someone so experienced

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Do it because you will gain an unparalleled insight into the working life of someone within your chosen industry.

Oliver, Management and Consultancy

Oliver, Business Economics student, was in the process of applying to graduate roles in trading but was unsure about exploring other areas such as Private Equity aswell. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Oliver was matched with a Economics and Political Development alumnus who is now a Consultant for Chestnut Advisory Group in the USA. His previous experience includes roles at Knight Capital, UBS London and New York and Citibank London and New York.

“His advice was useful and no doubt helped me get the job .

Oliver achieved all of his objectives including securing a exciting graduate job while also improving his personal development skills and increasing his knowledge of effective interview techniques in the finance and consultancy sector.

Oliver provided some insight in his experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

He went to the same school as me (as well as Exeter) so we had a lot to relate too.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

He gave broad recommendations and had knowledge outside the area of expertise which proved really helpful.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Give it a go, gaining a perspective on your career from someone with years of industry knowledge is invaluable. I ended up getting a job in something unrelated to my mentor’s career but his advice was still useful and no doubt helped me get the job (at Amazon).

Hoi Yan, Banking and Financial Services

Hoi Yan, a Finance and Management student, wanted to pursue a career in corporate finance but needed the guidance of a experienced mentor to help her reach this goal. Through the scheme, Hoi Yan was matched with the Head of IPV and Curves for Centrica. This role involves product control, financial control and legal entity control and thereby has extensive experience relating to the finance division of corporate entities. This mentor’s previous work experience includes Vice President for JP Morgan, and he is also ACA qualified.

Hoi Yan achieved all of her objectives including personal target areas of work experience, job requirements and personal developments. Hoi Yan also increased knowledge of job hunting resources, improved knowledge of further professional sources related to this sector and increased knowledge of good and bad aspects of the profession.

Here is what Hoi Yan thought about her experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

During the scheme, I learnt about my career prospects and work experience which are very valuable through my mentor. This gave me an insight of developing my career prospects.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

My mentor’s work experience gave me inspiration for career development. During the mentor scheme, I was able to learn from his work experience and hence develop my personal skills.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

For students who are aggressive and eager to develop career prospects, it is an opportunity to get in touch with professionals. They could acquire best knowledge of their chosen sector and lean work experience from the tutor. It would be a valuable chance to improve their personal skills and create networking opportunities.

Katie, Healthcare and Wellbeing

Katie, an Applied Psychology student, was interested in a career as a Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner but recognised the competitive environment of this career path. Katie had also considered a career with related Charities such as Headway. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Katie was matched with a Clinical Psychologist for Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. This mentor has a vast employment history of working in Psychology, including roles in child learning, psychological interventions, and group work on depression.

“It was really nice just being able to talk to somebody who had been in my exact position before”

Katie achieved all of her objectives including identifying key skills that are required for the job that she didn’t necessarily have experience demonstrating, received academic support and received support to improve her CV.

What were the highlights of the scheme?

It was really nice just being able to talk to somebody who had been in my exact position before, and the routes they took to get to where they are today. My mentor was very good at replying and offered to help me in the future.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into chosen profession and what it consists of on a daily basis

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Do it, but make sure you pick someone whose career will be useful to you no matter what. Be aware of what you want from the scheme and set goals.

Callum, Science

Callum, a Natural Sciences student, was interested in a career that provided skills and training and supports developing areas of science, such as the Civil Service. He was also looking to increase industry knowledge and work on personal development. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Callum was matched with the Vice President, Primary Business Planning at GSK which involved the development and implementation of strategic plans. This mentor’s previous employment includes Planning Executive, Respiratory Product Stream Director and Senior Research Fellow.

Create an action plan so that you achieve your aims and make the most of your six months on the scheme”

Callum achieved all of his objectives including receiving feedback to improve applications and CV’s, increased knowledge of sector entry requirements and increased knowledge of good and bad aspects of the profession.

Callum gave some insight into his experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

  • Recognising weaknesses, e.g. overlooking some of my previous experiences in applications
  • Looking at career progression and choices, what is fundamental to progressing in a career once you have started one

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Having somebody to give impartial career advice has been really helpful.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Start with knowing what exactly you want to get out of the scheme, then create an action plan so that you achieve your aims and make the most of your six months on the scheme.

Olivia, Advertising, Marketing and PR

Olivia, a Geography student, had carried out multiple work experience placements in a variety of sectors but wanted to learn more about the possibilities of employment with a BA Geography degree. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Olivia was matched with a Senior Business Development Executive for Pinsent Masons, International Law firm. This mentor’s previous work experience includes BD Assistant and Admissions and Communications Officer.

It opens your eyes into the world of work and applications”

Olivia achieved many objectives including how to write professionally, maintaining contact with people, and improved her knowledge of further education related to this sector.

Here is what Olivia thought about the scheme:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

They sent me their CV which meant that I could use this as a template when writing mine and they gave me good and useful constructive feedback on my CV.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into the profession and understanding what a Geography BA from the University of Exeter can enable you to do.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Do it because it opens your eyes into the world of work and applications and really allows you to learn about different work sectors.

Charles, Management and Consultancy

Charles, a MSc International Management student, was interested in a career in management and strategy consulting and applied to the scheme to improve his networking skills, receive help with applications and learn about the importance of innovation and creativity in this sector. Through the scheme, Charles was matched with an Exeter alumnus who is now a Managing Consultant for IBM, focusing on Delivery Project Management. He has also worked for IntelliQ Ltf and DERA/QinetiQ.

“My mentor spent lots of time helping me to prepare the assessment centre”

Charles achieved many objectives including gaining a deeper understanding about the importance of client’s satisfaction, improved his own personal development skills and increased his knowledge of sector entry requirements.

Charles shared his experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

My mentor spent lots of time helping me to prepare the assessment centre. I got 80% for M&S’s graduate scheme’s assessment mentor. I also passed Deloitte’s AC, and am preparing the 2nd interview.

Yasmin, Media, Publishing and Journalism

Yasmin, an English student, was interested in pursuing a career in publishing. She wanted to learn more about the typical day in this industry, tasks an editor would complete and how to be successful in such as competitive industry. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Yasmin was matched with a Content Executive for Lyst. This role involves writing and researching daily online fashion content, social media management and attending events such as Fashion Week. This mentor has also worked for M&S Press Office, ASOS, Sunday Times Style Magazine, Vogue and InStyle.

“Planning for the future is invaluable”

Yasmin achieved all of her objectives including receiving general support with getting into this area of work, increased her knowledge of sector entry requirements and improved her knowledge of further educational and professional courses related to the sector.

Yasmin shared some insight into her experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

Just having a contact is invaluable

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?


What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Insight is invaluable. Contacts are invaluable. Planning for the future is invaluable. You never know where life might take you.

Thomas, Financial Markets and the City

Thomas, a Economics student, was interested in a career in investment banking or finance after undertaking work experience over the summer. Thomas applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to gain contacts in the industry, advice regarding what it takes to be successful in the city and help understanding the different paths within the industry. Through the scheme, Thomas was matched with an Investment Director for Lonsdale Capital Partners LLP. This roles involved originating, assessing and executing investments and management of portfolios. This mentor is also an ACA qualified accountant.

My mentor has offered me a week of work experience over the summer with his private equity firm

Thomas achieved all of his objectives including assistance in developing a career plan, increased his knowledge of sector entry requirements and increased his knowledge of finding internships and work experience in the sector.

Thomas talked about his experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

It has been extremely helpful to discuss interviews and assessment centres with my mentor, helping me to feel more confident before attending.

In addition to this my mentor has offered me a week of work experience over the summer with his private equity firm, which should prove an invaluable experience.

Joanna, Science

Joanna, a Medical Sciences student, was passionate about the science and technology industry and wanted to investigate a career in computational biology and law. Her aims of the Career Mentor Scheme were to receive guidance on how her two passions of law and science could be combined into a future career. Through the scheme, Joanna was matched with a Chemistry alumnus who is now the Head of Unit at the European Patent Office based in Austria. Nigel has also worked for the Ministry of Defence, at the University of Surrey after completing his PHD and as a Research Scientist.

“A new perspective”

Joanna achieved all of her objectives including help with interview preparation, advice on pursuing a PhD and received academic support from her mentor.

Joanna talked about her experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

Help obtaining a new perspective on my future career plans.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into my chosen sector, and how many paths there are into this career.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

You will not regret it.