Category Archives: Law and Legal Services

Ryan, Law and Legal Services

Ryan, a Law student, knew that he wanted to specialise in Corporate or Patenting Law but wanted to build up a network and become familiar with the working life in the legal profession. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Ryan was matched with a Senior Patent Examiner for the European Patent Office. This role involves using speaking three European languages and keeping up to date with worldwide changes. This mentor has a Physics PhD and has worked for Epson Cambridge Labs and the Physics Department at the University of Exeter.

“It helped me decide whether or not I wanted to go into this field”

Ryan achieved many objectives including receiving help to improve CV, increased knowledge of further education and professional courses related to this sector and increased knowledge of how to create an effective application form in this sector.

Ryan shared some insight of his experience;

What were the highlights of the scheme?

I found that being able to talk to someone that came from a background besides law was really cool especially since they were in intellectual property which I am really interested in.

What did you find most useful form the mentoring experience?

I found that the insight into the sector was really useful and helped me decide whether or not I wanted to go into this field.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

It is really useful and helps you explore a profession from an informal point of view and in a friendly atmosphere.

Ryan would recommend the Career Mentor Scheme to a friend and intends to stay in contact with his mentor.

Rachael, Law and Legal Services

Rachael, a Law student, had been researching a career path at the bar prior to applying to the Career Mentor Scheme. She already had work experience as a Legal Assistant, Paralegal and Claims Handler, but wanted to receive first-hand advice about the career path and receive networking advice. Through the scheme, Rachael was matched with a Barrister for Guildhall Chambers. This mentor specialises in commercial law and financial disputes, and, has also worked for Lloyds Bank as an in-house Legal Advisor.

“Go for it, even if the person you would like to be your mentor is intimidatingly brilliant”

Rachael achieved all of her objectives for the Career Mentor Scheme, including receiving academic support, widening her contacts and networking opportunities and received work experience/ job shadowing.

Rachael shared her experience of the scheme:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

Visiting my mentor’s chambers was fantastic and also watching him in court in Cardiff and in London courts.

What did you find most useful form the mentoring experience?

Mainly insight into my chosen profession and work experience.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Go for it, even if the person you would like to be your mentor is intimidatingly brilliant, still apply and try. Don’t let the odds of a rejection worry you, it’s always worth a shot.

Yazmin, Law and Legal Services

Yazmin joined the Career Mentor Scheme to gain an insight into a career in Law and for guidance on employability skills and applications. She was paired with a solicitor at Irwin Mitchell. Like Yazmin, this mentor studied an undergraduate Law degree at Exeter. She then went on to obtain a training contract and has since worked as a solicitor for several law firms before obtaining her current at Irwin Mitchell.


Yazmin achieved several objectives, including experience in professional CV writing, obtaining work experience and gaining an invaluable insight into the sector. Here is what she shared with us.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

I enjoyed my week of work experience at Slater & Gordon, and felt as though I developed my employability skills during this week. I also gained an insight into what a career in the legal sector may be like.

Also, my mentor was always willing to read my applications and give me constructive feedback on how I could improve them.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

The week of work experience.

 What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

This is an ideal opportunity to gain an insight into a career that you may be interested in. There is also the chance to develop employability skills and to gain valuable contacts.

Rebecca, Law and Legal Services

Rebecca, an undergraduate student studying English, was looking to gain some support and guidance into Law. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, she was assigned to a partner at Ropes & Gray LLP. Within this role he is focused on private equity, public and private M&A and innovative special situation deals.


Following regular communication with her mentor, Rebecca told us about the most valuable aspects of the scheme for her. Rebecca met all of her objectives, including gaining a greater confidence for the application process and gaining a training contract.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

Every time I spoke or met with my mentor, he always gave me a real confidence boost that helped me persevere through the gruelling application process to become a trainee solicitor. My main highlight was sharing the news of my job offers with my mentor at the end of the summer. He supported and guided me through the decision of which offer to take. My mentor’s advice was impartial and insightful, and I feel that he helped me make the best decision for me.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

My mentor’s insight and advice were extremely useful, from application/cv proofreading to general advice about self-confidence and personal development. His help didn’t just help with an insight into the industry and finding a job, but with the whole process, including dealing with rejections, interview stress, and balancing my job hunt with academic work and personal life.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Schemes?

The Career Mentor Scheme is invaluable. In building a relationship with my mentor I received honest advice and a genuine insight into the legal profession. I feel that the scheme works best if you are well-prepared and hardworking; your mentor is not there to do the hard work for you, but to help refine your skills and direct your drive so you can achieve your maximum potential. I felt that my mentor genuinely cared about my development, and it was great to have someone in the profession to share both my difficulties and successes with.

Rebecca’s mentor also noted several highlights from the scheme:

“The highlight was Rebecca being awarded a first class degree and then going on to secure a training contract with Allen & Overy.”


Cherrina, Law and Legal Services

Whilst in her first year, Cherrina applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to be mentored by a Partner at Ropes & Gray LLP. At the time of their mentoring partnership, this mentor was focusing on private equity, public and private M&A and innovative special situation deals. He also provided advice on all aspects of domestic and cross-border M&A transactions and on a broad range of corporate finance, joint venture, restructuring, and corporate governance issues.


Cherrina benefited from the mentoring experience in a number of ways. She achieved all objectives she had, including improving skills needed for graduate employment and gaining work shadowing. Here is what Cherrina shared with us.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

One of the highlights was going into my mentor’s office for a meeting. Received his comments on application forms, which later helped me secure an open day, was also really great.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into law.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

It is a hugely useful opportunity if you can take full advantage of it.


Jessica, Law and Legal Services

Jessica doing a Law degree was matched with mentor the Director of Legal & Insurance Services at the University of Exeter. A professional with a wide range of experiences, this mentor has previously worked at Bevan Ashford (now Ashfords) as an Associate Solicitor and at the University as as Contracts Manager.


Jessica achieved many objectives during the six months in which she was mentored. She got help to prepare for her next steps after graduation,  received job hunting resources and help with application forms.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

Meeting with my mentor to get to know about her career and the different sections of Law she worked through before getting to her current job.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Showing me how she got to her career has given me inspiration on how to get to this chosen career path myself. My mentor also gave me support and advice during my law internship in Singapore on how to make the most of it.



Christina, Law and Legal Services

During her third year Christina, who was working towards a LLB Law degree, was matched with mentor a Consultant at Green Square Advisers.

This mentor red the same degree as Christina in Exeter: LLB Law. He has worked at various organisations throughout his career including Accenture, ITV digital, BBC Worldwide, and KPMG, where he was a Director of Corporate Finance at the Media Team.


Christina informed us of how beneficial the scheme was to her.

Amongst achieving other objectives she had, Christina gained a graduate position as a trainee solicitor with an international law firm during the mentoring partnership.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

A highlight for me during the scheme was gaining a training contract with an international law firm. I attribute part of this achievement to my mentor as he proofread my CV in addition to giving me some tips on how to improve it. My mentor also offered interview techniques and helped me prepare for some likely interview questions which proved extremely useful.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

[…] My mentor put me in contact with professional contacts he knew that were based closer to where I live. This enhanced my networking opportunities and gave me the chance to speak to someone in person about my goals and enabled me to gain a further insight into my chosen profession.

Her mentor said:

“[The highlights for me were] providing advice to Christina and connecting her to friends that I have in the legal profession in very senior positions who were able to meet with her and give her valuable advice!” 

Lisa, Law and Legal Services

During her final year of doing an English Literature and History degree Lisa had many career paths she could go down. She successfully applied to be mentored by a solicitor at Umbricht Attorneys.

After graduating with a LLB degree from Exeter, this mentor started his career at Pritchard Englefield in London. Firstly, he was a Trainee solicitor and then an Assistant Solicitor there. He progressed in the firm eventually becoming a Head of German Group, responsible for German clients and a Partner before moving to Zurich, Switzerland.


At the end of the scheme Lisa had some great things to share with us about the positives of the partnership!

What were the highlight of the scheme for you?

A highlight of the scheme has definitely been meeting my mentor at his offices, it was really wonderful to see how his firm operated and meet personally to discuss career options. The opportunity to receive one-to-one guidance was invaluable.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Work experience, network opportunities, insight into the chosen profession, and guidance on how to approach applications/emails.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

The scheme is an absolutely amazing way to gain insight into a chosen career and receive professional guidance from an expert. It has really helped my job opportunities, make sure you take advantage of it.

Her mentor said:

Meeting Lisa was invaluable!

Emily, Law and Legal Services

In her third year, Emily, doing History, was mentored by an Associate  Solicitor at Trowers & Hamlins LLP, in the Real Estate, Housing and Regeneration sector.

At the end of the six-month mentoring partnership we got really positive feedback from Emily about the ways in which the scheme had helped her.

Emily received help from her mentor in effectively completing application forms for the Law sector and that was most useful to her in her job search. She also improved her interview techniques through the Career Mentor Scheme and improved her CV with the help of her mentor. On top of that, Emily managed to widen her contacts and find out more about the entry requirements in the Law industry.


What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

I enjoyed meeting trainees at my mentor’s work place, who were informative, friendly and offered great advice.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Helping with applications, and understanding what key words employers were looking for.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Definitely go for it, you don’t realise the amazing opportunities this scheme can offer you.

Lauren, Law and Legal Services

During her third year Lauren, History student, applied for a mentor in the Law and Legal Services sector, in which she was interested in pursuing a career. Her mentor, Group Leader, at Wragge Lawrence Graham & Co. LLP has many years of experience in the industry.

After graduating from Exeter, this mentor worked at Simmons & Simmons for five years and then moved to Slaughter and May, where he spent ten years, the second half of the period as a Partner. In 2000 he joined Wragge & Co as a partner and in 2009 he became a Group Leader. As such his responsibilities are to manage a group of 27 partners in three offices and working in the commercial, employment, pensions and projects area.


Lauren had an outstanding experience being mentored. She achieved all objectives which were set at the beginning of their partnership, including learning about the sector entry requirements and improving her confidence. What she found most useful were the interview tips Michael gave her.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

My mentor was very accommodating and made himself available whenever I had any questions. The immediacy of professional advice was invaluable and I thoroughly enjoyed hearing his perspective of the recruitment process as an employer.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Absolutely do it! The scheme is incredibly flexible and you are completely in charge of your contact with your mentor – you can work this out with them to suit both of you. You can get invaluable viewpoints from a working professional in a sector you are interested in at the drop of a phonecall or email and may have a contact for life.