Category Archives: Degree Subject

Lucy, Charity and Development

Lucy, English Literature student, applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to gain understanding of the Charity Sector and increase her employability. Through the scheme, she was matched with the Fundraising and Communications Manager for Headway Devon. Her role includes creating fundraising and marketing strategies, bidding for public sector contracts and disseminating press releases. This mentor also has a Certificate in Fundraising Management with the Institute of Fundraising.

“I was lucky to have a very motivated and involved mentor, who was well matched to what I wanted out of the scheme.”

Lucy achieved all of her objectives including increased knowledge of good and bad aspects of the profession, received work experience/ job shadowing and increased knowledge of sector entry requirements.

Lucy shared some of her experiences;

What were the highlights of the scheme?

I was offered work experience at Headway which I really enjoyed, insofar as I applied for a part-time job there and was successful. I am now working at Headway Devon 20 hours a week, which has been great having just finished my degree.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

The work experience, as well as discussions with Holly, really helped me to gain an insight into the charity sector. Now employed in that sector, I feel more confident about working in the third sector, such as its demands, what skills are useful, and so on…

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

I would say that the amount that you put into the scheme is the amount that you will get out of it. Prepare properly for meetings and take the meetings seriously, otherwise you won’t get as much from it as you otherwise would. Respect your mentor. And finally, make sure you apply for a mentor or sector that you really are considering working in, otherwise you could waste your own as well as your mentor’s time.

Jordan, Financial Markets and the City

Jordan, an Economics and Finance student, applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to receive advice and guidance from somebody who understands his position and can advise of where best to target his career efforts. Through the scheme, Jordan was matched with an Investment Director for Lonsdale Capital Partners LLP. This role involves originating, assessing and executing investments and management of portfolios. This mentor is also an ACA qualified accountant.

It is good to know that my career journey has been helped by having a mentor”

Jordan achieved all of his objectives including widened contacts and networking opportunities, received work experience and job shadowing therefore greatly increasing his knowledge of effective interview techniques in this sector.

Jordan shared his experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

I can see how my path, over the last year, has been positively influenced by having Mr. Knott as a mentor. It is good to know that my career journey has been helped by having a mentor, and I am grateful for the opportunity.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insights into the mentalities/personalities of people working in banks, hedge funds and private equity. Coming from a daunting outsider’s perspective, it was helpful to realise that the people working in these roles are human too.

Preslav, Engineering and Product Design

Preslav, a Computer Science student, was interested in pursuing a career in the Information Technology sector and so wanted to build strong contact within the industry, learn more about different aspects of the sector and gain realistic insight. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, he was matched with the Head of Product for Crowdcude Ltd. This role involves leading the Product Management team and coordinating the design, development, and launch of products for users. This mentor also has worked as Product Manager for Google in both Sydney and California, and Sustaining Development Engineer for Sun Microsystems.

You can only benefit from this scheme.”

Preslav achieved all of his objectives including broadening his knowledge about what it is like to work in a big company, improved personal development skills and increased knowledge of sector entry requirements.

Preslav shared his experience with us:

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Learning more about the Mentor’s experience, talking about future technologies with him, getting a clear understanding of what interviewers expect from the candidates and how to stand out from the crowd.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

You can only benefit from this scheme.

Sophia, Accounting and Auditing

Sophia, a Philosophy, Politics and Economics student, applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to further her job prospects and possibilities through advice from an experienced professional. Sophia particularly wanted to gain confidence in her interview techniques and skills. Through the scheme, Sophia was matched with an Accounting and Finance Alumnus who is now a Global Sarbanes Oxley Analyst & CSA Operations Manager for Procter & Gamble. This mentor is certified in Internal Audit and has 11 years of experience in this role, working in over 20 countries.

Advice that you would not have had the opportunity to get without the scheme.

Sophia achieved all of her objective including improved knowledge of further education and professional courses related to this sector, increased knowledge of find internships and work experience in this sector and a increased knowledge of job hunting resources in this sector.

Sophia gave us some insight into her experience;

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Insight into possible career paths and what they entailed and help with internship application forms and advice with confidence etc.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

It is a really good source of information and advice that you would not have had the opportunity to get without the scheme.

Alexander, Insurance, Pensions and Actuarial

Alexander, a Business Economics student, became interested in the Insurance industry after completing work experience with a reputable insurance firm in London. He applied to the Career Mentor Scheme to help confirm whether this was the career path he definitely wanted to take and to gain an understanding of what would be required of him as a graduate. Through the scheme, Alexander was paired with a Consultant for MW Enterprises. This mentor’s previous job roles include four Managing Directors positions at Integro, Towergate Specialist Risks, TL Risk Solutions and Towry Law after beginning his career as a Graduate Management Trainee at Royal & Sun Alliance.

“If you know you want to go into a similar industry as your mentor then 100% go for it.”

Alexander achieved all of his objectives including help to secure a graduate job, improved personal development skills and increased knowledge of effective interview technique in this sector.

Alexander shared some of his experiences;

What were the highlights of the scheme?

Skyping and building a relationship with my mentor. We really get along.

What did you find most useful form the mentoring experience?

The information that only a current industry expert could provide, gave me invaluable insight into the industry which was crucial at interviews.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

If you know you want to go into a similar industry as your mentor then 100% go for it.

Ryan, Law and Legal Services

Ryan, a Law student, knew that he wanted to specialise in Corporate or Patenting Law but wanted to build up a network and become familiar with the working life in the legal profession. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Ryan was matched with a Senior Patent Examiner for the European Patent Office. This role involves using speaking three European languages and keeping up to date with worldwide changes. This mentor has a Physics PhD and has worked for Epson Cambridge Labs and the Physics Department at the University of Exeter.

“It helped me decide whether or not I wanted to go into this field”

Ryan achieved many objectives including receiving help to improve CV, increased knowledge of further education and professional courses related to this sector and increased knowledge of how to create an effective application form in this sector.

Ryan shared some insight of his experience;

What were the highlights of the scheme?

I found that being able to talk to someone that came from a background besides law was really cool especially since they were in intellectual property which I am really interested in.

What did you find most useful form the mentoring experience?

I found that the insight into the sector was really useful and helped me decide whether or not I wanted to go into this field.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

It is really useful and helps you explore a profession from an informal point of view and in a friendly atmosphere.

Ryan would recommend the Career Mentor Scheme to a friend and intends to stay in contact with his mentor.

Rachael, Law and Legal Services

Rachael, a Law student, had been researching a career path at the bar prior to applying to the Career Mentor Scheme. She already had work experience as a Legal Assistant, Paralegal and Claims Handler, but wanted to receive first-hand advice about the career path and receive networking advice. Through the scheme, Rachael was matched with a Barrister for Guildhall Chambers. This mentor specialises in commercial law and financial disputes, and, has also worked for Lloyds Bank as an in-house Legal Advisor.

“Go for it, even if the person you would like to be your mentor is intimidatingly brilliant”

Rachael achieved all of her objectives for the Career Mentor Scheme, including receiving academic support, widening her contacts and networking opportunities and received work experience/ job shadowing.

Rachael shared her experience of the scheme:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

Visiting my mentor’s chambers was fantastic and also watching him in court in Cardiff and in London courts.

What did you find most useful form the mentoring experience?

Mainly insight into my chosen profession and work experience.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

Go for it, even if the person you would like to be your mentor is intimidatingly brilliant, still apply and try. Don’t let the odds of a rejection worry you, it’s always worth a shot.

Kirby, Politics and Government

Kirby, a History student, applied for the Career Mentor Scheme after considering a few different career paths such as law, politics and working in the Foreign Office. Through the scheme, Kirby was matched with a Member of Parliament for West Bromwich West in the House of Commons. This mentor wanted to share his experience of the profession and provide some advice and guidance through the scheme.

“It helped me to narrow down my areas of interest, as well as providing great networking opportunities and contacts in the industry”

Kirby met all of her objectives, including being able to narrow down areas she was considering for graduate employment, increased knowledge of effective application forms in this sector and improved personal development skills.

Kirby shared her experience:

What were the highlights of the scheme?

  • Gaining a full tour of the Houses of Parliament
  • Understanding better the relationship between the government and NGOs/the media
  • Forming professional relationships with people at different levels of government

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

  • Networking
  • Confirming for me that I would like to work in a political organisation rather than political party

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

The scheme is as useful as you want it to be – if you are dedicated to regularly contacting your mentor and have a clear idea of what you wish to gain from the scheme it can be incredibly rewarding. As someone who was unsure of what they wanted to do after University, this scheme was useful to me as it helped me to narrow down my areas of interest, as well as providing great networking opportunities and contacts in the industry.

Emily, Education, Training and Research

Emily, a History and German student, was interested in studying for a PGCE and working in the teaching profession. Through the Career Mentor Scheme, Emily was matched with the Headteacher of Ratcliffe College, an independent school, with previous employment including Senior Deputy Head of Kingswood School and Assistant Director of Reading Blue Coat School. This mentor is also studying for his Phd at Sheffield, alongside achieving a variety of qualifications prior.

“This is an excellent scheme to participate with as it gives you impartial support and understanding”

Emily achieved all of her objectives including increased knowledge of finding internships and work experience in this sector, increased knowledge of good/bad aspects of the profession and increased knowledge of effective application forms in the education sector.

Emily shared her experience:

What were your highlights of the scheme?

Getting an insight into the positives of teaching and the mood of the profession in light of government involvement has been an interesting and informative experience. Just being able to speak to a teacher who had been in teaching at all levels was very rewarding and a highlight of the scheme for me.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

I found insight into entering the profession and possibly looking at moving towards education policy useful.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

If you’re looking for an insight into a profession you are interested in but uncertain about, this is an excellent scheme to participate with as it gives you impartial support and understanding. I found it to be a valuable experience but I would recommend further participants to engage themselves better than I did.

Amy, Management and Consultancy

Amy, Geography student, was interested in a career in Entrepreneurship after being inspired by the work of entrepreneurs, such as Casey Neistat, CEO of Beme. Through the Career Mentoring Scheme, Amy was matched with the Founder of City Mixology. This mentor has worked as a Corporate Lawyer for Slaughter and May before progressing into PR and Marketing and then working with start-ups. He has worked in London, New York and Tokyo, among other key business cities.

“The Career Mentor Scheme is the best extracurricular activity I have taken part in this year.”

Amy achieved her personal objectives of setting up a Linkedin profile, completing applications for Law vacation schemes and setting weekly goals as a means of time management. She also improved her personal development skills, widened her networking opportunities and increased her knowledge of sector entry requirements.

Amy shared her experience:

What were your highlights of the scheme?

Meeting my career mentor in person was a highlight of the scheme; it gave an opportunity to continue conversations face-to-face which had only been conducted over email previously.

Being able to increase my confidence in formal communication on a professional level from emails and phone calls, to meeting in person has definitely been a highlight over the whole scheme for me.

Despite not being successful in obtaining a law vacation scheme, being able to submit multiple applications and cover letters to magic circle law firms and making it through the initial stages of application in some cases has been a huge achievement considering my complete lack of experience in the sector beforehand.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

Being able to receive first hand insight into my chosen sectors (law and entrepreneurship) was immeasurably useful. It is so different to simply reading about that particular career, I am now able to fully appreciate both the pros and cons associated with the sector. It has helped me narrow down my career path moving forward.

Perhaps most useful, has been the transferable skills I have gained from the scheme. I now have fully functioning LinkedIn and RiseTo profiles as well as hugely improved CV. I am now able to conduct formal and professional emails, phone calls and face-to-face meetings – these skills have vastly increased my confidence and will be extremely useful in future professional settings.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

The Career Mentor Scheme is the best extracurricular activity I have taken part in this year. It helps to start you on your career path well before graduation is even on the horizon and has provided me with numerous transferable and valuable skills which I can apply into everything from everyday situations to more formal interactions and interviews. It is an extremely rewarding way to spend your time and gives the opportunity to network and boost employability skills.