Tag Archives: LLB Law

Christina, Law and Legal Services

During her third year Christina, who was working towards a LLB Law degree, was matched with mentor a Consultant at Green Square Advisers.

This mentor red the same degree as Christina in Exeter: LLB Law. He has worked at various organisations throughout his career including Accenture, ITV digital, BBC Worldwide, and KPMG, where he was a Director of Corporate Finance at the Media Team.


Christina informed us of how beneficial the scheme was to her.

Amongst achieving other objectives she had, Christina gained a graduate position as a trainee solicitor with an international law firm during the mentoring partnership.

What were the highlights of the scheme for you?

A highlight for me during the scheme was gaining a training contract with an international law firm. I attribute part of this achievement to my mentor as he proofread my CV in addition to giving me some tips on how to improve it. My mentor also offered interview techniques and helped me prepare for some likely interview questions which proved extremely useful.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

[…] My mentor put me in contact with professional contacts he knew that were based closer to where I live. This enhanced my networking opportunities and gave me the chance to speak to someone in person about my goals and enabled me to gain a further insight into my chosen profession.

Her mentor said:

“[The highlights for me were] providing advice to Christina and connecting her to friends that I have in the legal profession in very senior positions who were able to meet with her and give her valuable advice!” 

Anastasiya, Law and Legal Services

During her second year Anastasiya was accepted onto the scheme. Studying LLB Law she wanted to get first-hand advice about how to get into the industry and she was matched with a Solicitor at Thomson Snell & Passmore.


At the end of their 6-month partnership Anastasiya discussed with us the ways in which she benefited from the scheme.

What was the highlight of the scheme for you?

The highlight for me was the personal meeting with my mentor and the help I received with application forms.

What did you find most useful from the mentoring experience?

I found the insight into my chosen profession most useful.

What message would you give to a student thinking of applying for the Career Mentor Scheme?

I’d strongly encourage everyone to apply as this experience is invaluable – mentees can get an insight which is beyond any attendance of an open day.