CliMathNet: Mathematics for Climate Network

Who we are

CliMathNet is an international network that aims to bring together Climate Scientists, Mathematicians and Statisticians to answer the key questions in Climate modelling (in particular to understand and reducing uncertainties in observation and prediction). This is an area of science that ranges from numerical weather prediction to the science underpinning climate policy. The network was originally set up with support from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council of the UK.

You can subscribe to our jiscmail newsletter to hear more about CliMathNet activities. The network is overseen by an International Advisory Committee.

The aims of the CliMathNet network are:

(a) To break down barriers between mathematical scientists and climate scientists and to ensure that mathematical scientists are working alongside climate scientists in addressing societally important climate modelling issues.

(b) To encourage research in the mathematical sciences that is needed to address outstanding problems in climate modelling in ways that are informed by, and that inform, policy making.

 Meetings and Newsletter:

(a) Groups or individuals who wish to propose CliMathNet meetings for the future should send a proposal to the Chair of the International Advisory Committee (see below) at least 6 months before the event, preferably at least 12 months.

(b) The Chairperson and Secretary shall communicate any activites related to CliMathNet on a regular basis (at least once per year) via a website, electronic newsletter and other communications to interested parties.

Constitution for International Advisory Committee of the CliMathNet Network:

1. Role

1.1 The role of the Committee is to promote the CliMathNet Network whose aims are as stated above.

2. Duties of the Committee

The Committee shall carry out the following duties:

2.1 Approve or reject nominations by Committee members about the appointment or removal of a third-party organisation as an affiliated organisation.

2.2 To encourage potential organizers of CliMathNet meetings to submit a nomination to this Committee.

2.3 Approve or reject nominations made to the chairperson as to meetings that carry the CliMathNet name. The nominating person or body will hold full organizational and financial responsibility for an approved meeting.

2.4 Make amendments to this Constitution.

2.5 Decide whether to give away the CliMathNet name and/or dissolve the CliMathNet Network.

3. Membership of the Committee

3.1 The Committee shall comprise a chairperson, a secretary and between 6 and 15 Committee members. Each Committee member shall be independent and sitting on the Committee in his/her personal capacity.

3.2 The initial (i.e. founding) membership of the Committee is listed below. Renewal and appointment of members of the Committee will be by vote cast by current committee members, to be administered by the secretary.

3.3 The appointment of secretary and chairperson will be by vote cast by current committee members. The chairperson and secretary shall be elected for terms of four years.

3.4 Subject to clause 3.3, appointments to the membership of the Committee shall be for a period of up to three years and three months, extendable by a two thirds majority vote of the Committee members.

3.5 The secretary will record Committee minutes and ensuring that the Committee receives information and papers in a timely manner to enable full and proper consideration of the relevant issues.

4. Attendance at meetings

4.1 The Committee shall meet at least once every fifteen months and otherwise as required. Meetings of the Committee may be conducted when a quorum of members are physically present together or in the form of video or audio conferences.

4.2 Other individuals may be invited to attend for all or part of any meeting with the agreement of the chairperson. The chairperson shall have the discretion to decide who, other than Committee members, shall attend and address Committee meetings.

4.3The secretary of the Committee shall ascertain, at the beginning of each meeting, the existence of any conflicts of interest and minute them accordingly.

5. Notice of meetings

5.1 Meetings of the Committee shall be called by the secretary at the request of the chairperson or any member of the Committee.

5.2 Unless otherwise agreed, notice of each meeting confirming the venue, time and date, together with an agenda of items to be discussed, shall be forwarded to each member of the Committee and any other person required to attend, no later than 14 working days before the date of the meeting. Supporting papers may be forwarded at shorter notice subject to the approval of the chairperson.

6. Quorum

6.1 The quorum necessary for the transaction of business at a Committee meeting shall be 2/3 of all members, present in person or by audio or video conference.

6.2 A duly convened Committee meeting at which a quorum is present shall be competent to exercise all or any of the authorities, powers and discretions vested in or exercisable by the Committee.

7. Voting arrangements

7.1 Subject to paragraph 7.2 and paragraph 7.3, each Committee member shall have one vote which may be cast on matters considered at the meeting.

7.2 If a matter that is considered by the Committee is one where a Committee member, either directly or indirectly has a personal interest, that member shall not be permitted to vote at the meeting.

7.3 Except where he or she has a personal interest, the chairperson shall have a casting vote.

7.4 For a motion to pass, a two-thirds majority of the quorum will be required to vote in favour.

8. Minutes of meeting

8.1 The secretary (or his or her nominee) shall minute the proceedings and resolutions of all Committee meetings, including the names of those present and in attendance. Draft minutes of Committee meetings shall be circulated to all Committee members within 30 days.

8.2 A written resolution, agreed in writing by 2/3 of all Committee members, will be as effective as a resolution passed at a Committee meeting. Any written resolution shall be tabled and noted at the next meeting of the Committee.

9. Funding and Renumeration

9.1 The Committee shall not hold any monies or other assets or be responsible for the funding of any meetings or events.

9.2 Each member of the Committee gives his/her time to the Committee on a pro-bono basis and will be responsible for all costs and expenses he/she incur in performing his/her duties as a member of the Committee.

10. Membership of the committee

The founding membership (2018-2021) of the International Advisory Committee is as follows:

Peter Ashwin (Exeter, Secretary), Chris Budd (Bath), Peter Cox (Exeter, Chairperson), Mickael Chekroun (UCLA), Ulrike Feudel (Oldenburg), Anna von der Heydt (Utrecht),  Chris KRT Jones (North Carolina, Chapel Hill), Tim Lenton (Exeter), Valerio Lucarini (Reading), E Marian Scott (Glasgow), Jochen Voss (Leeds), Sebastian Wieczorek (Cork).

Last revision: 27th April 2018