XM2 PGR social – food, fight and pub quiz winners!

Peter Inzani and Jess Brown are currently leading on the XM² PGR social events organisation.
They have recently coordinated a welcome celebration to the new cohort with all other CDT PGRs at Mill on the Exe.  Their summary of the evening:
“There was a delicious buffet and a pub quiz. After 6 rounds of trivia, physics knowledge, music lyrics, flags and a very close fight, one team came out on top – congratulations to the winners, Frank, Lizzie, Shane, Ros and Milo, and enjoy your well-deserved chocolate! Our next big social will be our Christmas meal in December.”
Thanks to Jess and Peter for organising the event, and congratulations to the pub quiz winners – I am reassured that the “very close fight” bit is not to be taken too literally and all PGRs returned to their studies safe and sound.
Lizzie, Shane, Ros, Milo, and Frank (not on the ground for any other reasons than an entertaining picture!) – the pub quiz winners of 2018 🙂

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