Very many congratulations to the EPSRC CDT in Metamaterials PGRs who completed their vivas (all with only minor corrections) in September 2018:
- Ilya Starshynov “Quantum and classical correlations of multiply scattered light; supervisors: Dr Jacopo Bertolotti, Dr Janet Anders;
- Erick Burgos “Time resolved and time average of magnetic nano-structure”; supervisors: Prof Rob Hicken, Prof Feodor Ogrin;
- Lauren Barr “Giving Metamaterials a Hand – Electromagnetic interactions in chiral metamaterials“; supervisors: Prof Euan Hendry, Prof Alastair Hibbins; examiners:
- Benjamin Ash “Locally Resonant Metamaterial for Surface Acoustic Waves“; supervisors: Prof Geoff Nash, Prof Pete Vukusic.
Well done all!