SPIE in San Diego – XM2 PGRs present Exeter’s SPIE chapter activities

In September 2018, the XM² PGRs Erick Burgos Parra and Joaquin Faneca went to one of the most important events for optical engineering and applications, nanotechnology, quantum science, and organic photonics: SPIE OPTICS+ PHOTONICS (San Diego). They represented our EUOPS (Exeter University optics and photonics society) and the SPIE student chapter. Erick Burgos Parra was there as a facilitator of the event and Joaquin Faneca, president of the Exeter SPIE chapter, was awarded the SPIE officer travel grant to present a poster with the various activities the chapter has been developing.

Erick Burgos Parra and Joaquin Faneca presenting Exeter’s SPIE student chapter activities in San Diego (Sep 2018).

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