XM2 graduation 2018 – a day to be proud

Winter graduation 2018: Sathya, Erick, Lauren, Ben, Sam, and Tim (left to right). We are so proud of you!

Very many congratulations to our XM² graduates in the 2018 winter ceremony.

They joined our first two graduates from summer 2018 (Alba Paniagua Diaz and Tanveer Tabish) in the ranks of XM² PGRs who successfully completed their PhD. A few more from our 2014 cohort are due to graduate in summer 2019; they have completed their vivas (or are about to do so) and we look forward to seeing them walk onto the stage for graduation.

Once again, many congratulations to our graduates – and all the best for your future careers. It was a pleasure working with you and seeing you grow over the past years. May there be many occasions to welcome you back at Exeter in the future!

Graduate thesis supervisors next destination
Benjamin Ash Locally Resonant Metamaterial for Surface Acoustic Waves Geoff Nash, Pete Vukusic Oxford HighQ
Lauren Barr Giving Metamaterials a Hand – Electromagnetic interactions in chiral metamaterials Euan Hendry, Alastair Hibbins postdoc at Exeter
Erick Burgos Parra Time resolved imaging of spin transfer oscillator arrays: towards active magnetic microwave metamaterials Rob Hicken, Feodor Ogrin, Gino Hrkac postdoc at Unite Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales
Sathya Sai Seetharaman Electromagnetic interactions in one-dimensional metamaterials Bill Barnes, Ian Hooper Metaboards Ltd
Samuel Shelley The Control of Fluid Flow Using Metamaterials Concepts Roy Sambles, Alastair Hibbins, Simon Horsley postdoc at Exeter
Tim Spicer Excitation of picosecond magnetization dynamics by spin transfer torque Rob Hicken, Volodymyr Kruglyak currently interviewing


Impressions of the 2018 graduation reception



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