Fourth year CDT PGR Henry Fernández gave a talk at the prestigious Nanometa 2019 conference in Seefield, Austria on 5th January 2019. Nanometa aims to bring together the international Nanotechnology, Photonics and Materials research communities where most recent and challenging results and plans are discussed in the informal setting on a glorious mountaineering resort.
As the conference is very competitive, it is unusual for PhD students to give a talk. Henry spoke on “Electrical control of the Rabi splitting in a strongly coupled semiconductor microcavity”.
Fourth years PGRs Carlota Ruiz de Galarreta, Charlie-Ray Mann and Tom Collier also attended.
Henry has also been invited to give a talk in a symposium organised by the Rank Prize Funds, on the topic of two dimensional semiconductors for optoelectronics- watch this space!