Fourth year PGR Cheng Shi has authored “Gate tunable graphene-integrated metasurface modulator for mid-infrared beam steering”, with his supervisors Isaac Luxmoore and Geoff Nash.
Modulators are a key component for communication, imaging, and so on, allowing the function of device can be controlled actively. However the research on modulators in infrared regime remain challenging as limited choice of materials. In this paper, the authors design, fabricate and test the graphene-integrated metasurface modulator whose amplitude and phase can be directly controlled by the gate voltage. The simulation results agree well with our experimental results also suggest that a 150 degree phase modulation can be achieved with an achievable high gate voltage. In addition, we also show the potential capability of constructing such modulators with different geometric parameters into a reconfigurable surface as an active, high speed beam steering lens. The reflection angle is able to alter from 0 degree to 30 degree when gate voltage is applied. The authors believe the results here could inspire the research on dynamic reflective display and holograms in mid-infrared wave band.
Cheng’s recent publications include Metamaterial-enhanced infrared attenuated total reflection spectroscopy. A full list of his publications can be found on his profile.