Ben Hogan is awarded SPIE IDL Micro Grant

Ben Hogan, fourth year CDT PGR, has been awarded a SPIE IDL Micro Grant for $2000- one of only two UK universities to receive it this year.

The UNESCO International Day of Light is a global initiative highlighting to the citizens of the world the importance of light and light-based technologies in their lives, for their futures, and for the development of society. SPIE IDL Micro Grants support local community events and activities that highlight the critical role that light plays in our daily lives. The grants are awarded globally on a competitive basis, with 14 awarded in 2019.

Ben will use the $2000 to run three concurrent events in April and May, to promote the critical role that light plays in our daily lives to the general public.



The events that will be run are as follows:
• A photo competition for the local community, themed around light.
• A poster competition for researchers, with the aim being to convey cutting-edge research in simple terms for non-specialists.
• Lighting up RAMM – On Saturday 18th May, PGRs will provide hands-on demonstrations, activities and displays in the RAMM museum in Exeter.
• Exeter EnLIGHTens – PGRs are inviting schoolchildren of all ages (and their teachers) to pose us their questions about light. PGRs will then answer as many of their questions as possible in the form of video demonstrations of practical experiments, which will be made freely available online.

As the events progress, information and updates can be found at or by following @ExUniOptPhotSoc on Twitter. Follow Ben’s research at

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