Upcoming events co-sponsored by XM2: “Materials for Clean Energy” and “Light in Complex Materials”

On 8 – 10 April two events will take place in areas related to the EPSRC CDT in Metamaterials:

The Materials for Clean Energy Conference [MCEC2019] (National Physics Laboratory, London) and the Light in Complex Materials Workshop [LCM] (Streatham Court, Exeter)

LCM will bring together the communities of scattering media, fibre optics and metamaterials together, to share visions and methods with each other, but particularly with the younger generation of students and early career researchers. Understanding and controlling the propagation of light through complex scattering materials promises a host of new technologies, advancing fields such as imaging, optical communication, optical computing and more.

MCEC2019 will focus on the latest developments in the fields of energy harvesting and energy storage, bringing together academics and industry leaders. It is organised by the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Metamaterials, with support from the National Physical Laboratory and the EPSRC CDT in Advanced Materials and Characterisation. The conference will be held along with the annual Energy Harvesting Network meeting, a self-sufficient network of UK academic and industrial researchers and end-users of energy harvesting technology.

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