Congratulations to David Osuna Ruiz, who has submitted the final version of his thesis, ‘Magnetisation dynamics and tuneable GHz properties of unsaturated magnetic nanostructures’ after corrections.
David looks back on his experience of studying for a PhD as part of the CDT:
Four years ago, I decided to move to the UK to pursue a big goal, professionally and personally speaking, that was to work towards the completion of a PhD in Physics. It just feels like yesterday, although four full years have passed by already since I arrived in Exeter. I am very thankful to myself for having taken such a decision back in January of 2016 and, of course, I am even more thankful to the University of Exeter, the CDT in Metamaterials and my supervisors Feodor Ogrin and Alastair Hibbins for giving me such an opportunity. During these years as a PhD student and researcher, I had so many exciting experiences in the UK, and in many other places worldwide, from Russia to the US. I met so many interesting and good people in the UK and from all over the world, some of them with whom I have been fortunate to have become friends.
After these 4 years, I can say for sure that this has been an unexpectedly enriching and life-changing period of
my life. Aside of doing research, I went on industry placements, visited other colleague researchers, did outreach science, attended many courses and international conferences all over the world and many more things. However, what really makes the difference is the people you meet and those you feel by your side, especially during (the many) hard times while working on the thesis and when things seem to have no way out! In that sense, I feel so lucky of having met and worked with so many kind people during these years.
I very well know that I will hardly forget all the good moments I had during these last four years. I do believe that this whole experience has made me stronger and more prepared for future challenges so, to anyone still working on the thesis, two things: be resilient and most importantly, enjoy the journey! In the end, all of it is valuable and it is absolutely worth the effort.
David is staying on at University of Exeter, as a post-doc. We wish him all the best for his future.
David has co-authored the following publications:
In preparation
D. Osuna Ruiz, A. P. Hibbins and F. Y. Ogrin, “A reconfigurable spin wave emitter based on a teardrop shape”
- October 2020 (initial submission July 2020, resubmitted after peer review to Phys. Rev. B)- D. Osuna Ruiz, P. S. Keatley, J. R. Childress, J. A. Katine, R. J. Hicken, A. P. Hibbins and F. Y. Ogrin, “Time-imaging of curling modes in a confined magnetic vortex and a micromagnetic study exploring the role of spiral spin waves emitted by the core”
- September 2020- D. Osuna Ruiz, A. P. Hibbins and F. Y. Ogrin, “Hippopede curves for modelling radial spin waves in an azimuthal graded magnonic landscape”, Phys. Rev. B. 102, 104430
- September 2020- D. Osuna Ruiz, A. P. Hibbins and F. Y. Ogrin, “Graded Index Confined Spin Waves in an Intermediate Domain Wall”, (Sept 2020 Resubmitted after peer review to Phys. Rev. B)
- August 2020- A. S. Bir, S. V. Grishin, O. Moskalenko, A. N. Pavlov, M. O. Zhuravlev and D. Osuna Ruiz, “Experimental Observation of Ultrashort Hyperchaotic Dark Multisoliton Complexes in a Magnonic Active Ring Resonator”, PhysRevLett.125.083903
- December 2019– D. Osuna Ruiz, E. Burgos, N. Bukin, A. Lara, F. G. Aliev, A. P. Hibbins and F. Y. Ogrin, “Dynamics of Spiral Spin Waves in Magnetic Nano-patches: Influence of Thickness and Shape”, Phys. Rev. B 100, 214437
David has presented at the following conferences:
- D. Osuna Ruiz, A.P. Hibbins, F.Y. Ogrin, oral presentation:”Refractive Index Manipulation of Confined Spin Waves in Bloch Domain Walls”, Intermag Conference 2020, Montreal, Canada, May 2020 (accepted)
- D. Osuna Ruiz, A. P. Hibbins, F.Y. Ogrin, poster presentation: “Magnetic actuated tuning of Winter’s magnons propagation in Bloch domain walls”, Magnonics 2019, Carovigno, Italy, July 2019
- D. Osuna Ruiz, E. Burgos Parra, N. Bukin, A. Lara, F.G. Aliev, A.P. Hibbins, F.Y. Ogrin, oral presentation: “Improving Excitation and Detection of Propagating Spiral Spin Waves in Magnetic Nano-patches: Influence of Thickness and Shape”, Joint MMM-Intermag Conference 2019, Washington D.C., USA, January 2019
- D. Osuna Ruiz, E. Burgos Parra, N. Bukin, A. Lara, F.G. Aliev, A.P. Hibbins, F.Y. Ogrin, oral presentation: “Propagating spiral spin waves in magnetic nano-patches: Influence of Thickness and Shape”, International Conference on Magnetism (ICM) 2018, San Francisco, USA, July 2018
- D. Osuna Ruiz, E. Burgos Parra, N. Bukin, A.P. Hibbins, F.Y. Ogrin, oral presentation: “Propagating spiral spin waves in magnetic nano-patches”, IEEE International Conference in Microwave Magnetics (ICMM) 2018, organized by the University of Exeter, Exeter, UK, July 2018
- D. Osuna Ruiz, E. Burgos Parra, N. Bukin, A.P. Hibbins, F.Y. Ogrin, oral presentation: “Propagating spiral spin waves in magnetic nano-patches”, International Symposium on Spin Waves 2018. Organized by the Ioffe Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 2018
- D. Osuna Ruiz, A. P. Hibbins, F.Y. Ogrin, poster presentation: “Propagating spiral spin waves in magnetic nano-patches”, IOP Magnetism 2018, April 2018
- D. Osuna Ruiz, A. P. Hibbins, F.Y. Ogrin, poster presentation: “Propagating spiral spin waves in magnetic nano-patches”, NanoMagnonics Workshop 2018, Kaiserslautern, Germany, February 2018