Congratulations to PGR Henry Fernandez, who has recently submitted his PhD thesis titled “Optical and Electronic Study of Hybrid Light-Matter States” supervised by Prof. Bill Barnes, and Prof. Saverio Russo. This thesis extends a description of his recently published work titled “Electrically Tuneable Exciton-Polaritons through Free Electron Doping in Monolayer WS2 Microcavities” and “Electrically tuneable exciton energy exchange between spatially separated 2-dimensional semiconductors in a microcavity“. Additionally, Henry recently presented this work as an invited speaker at the Rank Prize Funds Symposium on 2-Dimensional Semiconductors for Optoelectronics and also at Nanometa19.
Henry says of his research work
I am proud of an essential aspect of this work, which is the design and implementation of an automated optical/electronic setup from scratch, that allowed us to position our research at the frontier of the optoelectronics with light-matter particles.
During his PhD, Henry also participated in many different events. He joined in the Startup Weekend Exeter in October 2018, where his team Dot_IT was the winner of the competition. He also participated in many outreach events as part of the Exeter University Optics and Photonics Society.
He was the president of this society from February 2018 to February 2019. He was also the chair of the IONS Exeter conference, recently held from 9 to 12 of July 2019. IONS Exeter was a student-led conference that brought together esteemed keynote and invited speakers, as well as normal contributions from different countries.
After completing his PhD viva and obtaining his PhD certificate, Henry will move to Finland to work in a postdoctoral position with Prof. Zhipei Sun, at the Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering of the Aalto University.