New Publication: Metasurface bilayer for slow microwave surface waves

Congratulations to fourth year PGR Julia de Pineda Gutiérrez, whose paper ‘Metasurface bilayer for slow microwave surface waves’ was recently published in Physical Review B. Julia’s previous publications include Microwave edge modes on a metasurface with glide symmetry and Hexagonal symmetry metasurfaces for broadband antenna applications. Julia’s thesis is on exploration of beam shaping at microwave frequencies using metasurfaces and metamaterials .

Abstract for ‘Metasurface bilayer for slow microwave surface waves’ below.


We present a simple two-layer discontinuous crossed metal-strip array that guides microwaves having very high phase and group indices. The strips are arranged on a square lattice with a two-layer unit cell. The difference in this structure resides in the length of the metal strips, which extend to several unit cells. This work focuses on the isotropic wave dispersion at the lower frequencies. In addition, two of the higher-frequency bands give rise to a very strong negative dispersion, and strong beaming occurs, which can be tailored easily by modifying the relative orientation of the layers.


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