We have the pleasure to announce that registration for the Materials for Clean Energy Conference (MCEC2019), held at the National Physical Laboratory from 8 – 10 April 2019, is now open: http://www.mcec2019.org/
MCEC2019 will focus on the latest developments in the fields of energy harvesting and energy storage, bringing together academics and industry leaders.
The conference is organised by the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Metamaterials of the University of Exeter, with support from the National Physical Laboratory and the CDT in Advanced Materials and Characterisation.
The conference will be held along with the annual Energy Harvesting Network meeting. Having been initially funded by the EPSRC, the Energy Harvesting Network is now a self-sufficient network of UK academic and industrial researchers and end-users of energy harvesting technology.
Invited speakers
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Dr Bruno Ehrler
Head of the Hybrid Solar Cells group, AMOLF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Bruno Ehrler is heading the Hybrid Solar Cells group at AMOLF since 2014. The group focuses on singlet fission and perovskite solar cells, both on the fundamental level, and for device applications. Before moving to Amsterdam, he was a research fellow in the Optoelectronics Group at Cambridge University following post-doctoral work with Professor Sir Richard Friend. During this period, he worked on quantum dots, doped metal oxides and singlet fission photovoltaics. He obtained his PhD from the University of Cambridge under the supervision of Professor Neil Greenham, studying hybrid solar cells from organic semiconductors and inorganic quantum dots. He received his MSci from the University of London (Queen Mary) studying micro-mechanics in the group of Professor David Dunstan.
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Prof Robert Dorey
Professor of Nanomaterials, University of Surrey, UK
Professor Robert Dorey holds the chair in Nanomaterials at the University of Surrey and is Fellow of the Institute Materials, Mining and Minerals (FIMMM) and Higher Education Academy (FHEA) as well as a Chartered Scientist and Engineer. Professor Dorey joined the University of Surrey from Cranfield University in 2014. Between 2003 and 2008 he held a prestigious Royal Academy of Engineering/EPSRC Research Fellowship.
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Prof Maria Escudero-Escribano
Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Her group investigates tailored electrochemical interfaces for sustainable energy conversion and electrosynthesis of high-value chemicals and fuels. The research at her group combines electrochemical methods with in situ optical spectroscopy, microscopy and in situ synchrotron-based characterisation techniques in order to understand the electrochemical interface at the atomic and molecular level.
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Prof Paolo Bondavalli
Head of Nanomaterials Team, Thales Research and Technology, France
Paolo Bondavalli is in charge of the transverse topic on Nanomaterials team at Thales Research and Technology and he is a member of the Nanocarb Lab (joint team Ecole Polytechnique/Thales). Presently his work is focused on the development of new materials (e.g. graphene, cnts, nanowires) for the new generation of electronics devices and for energy storage applications and memristor. He is involved in the Graphene Flagship initiative as leader of the task on supercapacitors.
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Prof Magdalena Titirici
Professor in Sustainable Materials Chem, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Magdalena Titirici obtained her PhD at the University of Dortmund, Germany. Between 2006-2012 she led the group Sustainable Carbon Materials at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam, Germany where she also did her Habilitation. In 2013 Dr. Titirici became an Associate Professor in Materials Science Queen Mary University of London. She was promoted to a full Professorship in 2014. Dr. Titirici is the author of around 100 publications in the field of sustainable materials and green nanochemistry, several book chapters and one edited book. Her research interests include porous materials, hydrothermal carbonisation, innovative utilization of biomass and waste, biofuels, CO2 sequestration, electrocatalysis in fuel cells as well as energy storage in secondary batteries and supercapacitors.