New Publication: Controlling acoustic waves using magneto-elastic Fano resonances

First year PGR Oliver Latcham has just co-authored his first paper, ‘Controlling acoustic waves using magneto-elastic Fano resonances’, published last week in Applied Physics Letters. This is an impressive achievement at the start of his degree.

His PhD project is ‘Excitation of spin waves in magnetic elements using surface acoustic waves’, supervised by Volodymyr Kruglyak, Geoff Nash and Andrey Shytov.

Earlier this year, Oliver attended MMM-Intermag 2019 with fellow CDT PGRS: fourth year XM² postgraduate researchers Angus Laurenson and Natalie Whitehead, third year XM² postgraduate researchers David Osuna Ruiz and Elizabeth Martin, and second year XM² postgraduate researcher Peter Inzani.


We propose and analyze theoretically a class of energy-efficient magnetoelastic devices for analog signal processing. The signals are carried by transverse acoustic waves while the bias magnetic field controls their scattering from a magnetoelastic slab. By tuning the bias field, one can alter the resonant frequency at which the propagating acoustic waves hybridize with the magnetic modes, and thereby control transmission and reflection coefficients of the acoustic waves. The scattering coefficients exhibit Breit-Wigner/Fano resonant behavior akin to inelastic scattering in atomic and nuclear physics. Employing oblique incidence geometry, one can effectively enhance the strength of magnetoelastic coupling, and thus countermand the magnetic losses due to the Gilbert damping. We apply our theory to discuss potential benefits and issues in realistic systems and suggest routes to enhance the performance of the proposed devices.
The research leading to these results has received funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council of the United Kingdom (Grant No. EP/L015331/1) and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 644348 (MagIC).

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