Charlie-Ray Mann has been officially accepted as a UK representative for the 69th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (#LINO19) that will take place 30 June–5 July 2019. LINO19 will be dedicated to physics. Until now, 41 Nobel Laureates have confirmed their participation. They will meet 580 young scientists from 88 countries for an inspiring dialogue. Charlie […]
XM2 @ the KTN “Showcasing Emerging Technologies 2019 – Metamaterials” event
What we presented at KTN’s ‘Showcasing Emerging Technologies 2019 – Metamaterials’ event in Birmingham on 19 March 2019: a tag prototype that could revolutionise metallic packaging security (Dr Paul Keatley, Emily Glover); a numerical tool which can be used to design a new class of radio and microwave frequency-based components for communications devices (Dr Conor […]
Pablo Martinez Pancorbo wins first prize in ChemBio category of RSC Twitter Poster Competition
Third year PGR Pablo Martinez Pancorbo has won first prize in the ChemBio category of Royal Society of Chemistry‘s Twitter Poster Competition. Pablo’s poster was on Smart nanoparticle design for finding and killing early-stage single cancer cells. The #RSCPoster Twitter Conference is an online event held entirely over Twitter to bring members of the scientific […]
Careers event: 18 April 2019
On 18 April 2019 we will see the second edition of our STEM PhD student/postdoc-focussed careers event. A range of organisations (e.g. Babwe Barton Enterprise, BAE Systems, Granted Consultancy, IBM, NPL, Oxford Instruments, WaveOptics) will introduce themselves in 15 minute talks as potential employers, outlining their current research challenges and what they are looking for […]
Upcoming events co-sponsored by XM2: “Materials for Clean Energy” and “Light in Complex Materials”
On 8 – 10 April two events will take place in areas related to the EPSRC CDT in Metamaterials: The Materials for Clean Energy Conference [MCEC2019] (National Physics Laboratory, London) and the Light in Complex Materials Workshop [LCM] (Streatham Court, Exeter) LCM will bring together the communities of scattering media, fibre optics and metamaterials together, […]
New Publication: Diffraction by a truncated planar array of dipoles: A Wiener–Hopf approach
Having recently passed his viva and recently joined University of Pennsylvania in a posdoctoral role, PGR Miguel Camacho Aguilar, who graduates this summer, has just published a paper on Diffraction by a truncated planar array of dipoles: A Wiener–Hopf approach in the Special Issue on Canonical Scattering of the journal Wave Motion. Abstract We present […]
New Publication: Origins of All-Optical Generation of Plasmons in Graphene
Congratulations to fourth year CDT PGR Craig Tollerton who has recently published an article on Origins of All-Optical Generation of Plasmons in Graphene in Scientific Reports journal. Abstract below. Abstract Graphene, despite its centrosymmetric structure, is predicted to have a substantial second order nonlinearity, arising from non-local effects. However, there is disagreement between several published […]
Training and other events: March 2019 to July 2019
Please find below a table of all upcoming XM² training and other events from February 2019 until July 2019 as far as planning currently allows and subject to change. Please note that some locations and events have been updated since the previous month’s table. PGRs, please highlight any XM²-training related absence times to your supervisors. […]
New SAG chair
As our 2015 cohort of researchers prepare to finish their PhD studies (in fact, two have already successfully completed progressed to postdoc careers in academia (Miguel Camacho Aguilar, University of Pennsylvania/US ) and industry (Joshua Hamilton, QinetiQ/UK)), we see changes to our Student Advisory Group (SAG): Ben Hogan (4th year) is stepping down as chair […]
Integrated phase-change photonics for memory and computing devices
This video, narrated by our third year PGR Emanuele Gemo, gives a short description of the integrated phase-change photonic memory, a device allowing to store and retrieve non-volatile information on optical chips. Emanuele’s research project is focused on the theoretical study of this class of devices, and on the proposal of solutions to improve its […]