It is our pleasure to announce that EPSRC CDT PGR Chris King passed his viva with no corrections. He was examined by Dr Dave Phillips (UoE) and Prof Stephen Barnett (University of Glasgow). An outstanding result! Very many congratulations to Chris, that’s truly exceptional. Chris’ PhD thesis work “Designing non-scattering graded-index media” was supervised by […]
Poster prize winner Joaquin Faneca @ Photonex Europe
EPSRC CDT in Metamaterials PGR Joaquin Faneca (now in his 3rd year) won the technical poster prize at the Photonex Europe conference in October 2018, a key event for photonics that brings the whole supply chain together under one roof: supplier companies, consultants, industrial users, researchers, science groups and innovative new-comers. Congratulations to Joaquin for […]
Jess Brown @ Soap Box Science 2018
Jess Brown only started her PhD in 2017, but has been an incredibly engaged researcher with strong committment to sharing her passion and experiences beyond her immediate research project right from the start. She joined the XM² Student Advisory Group to represent her cohort together with her peer Emily Glover, and represented Exeter on the […]
Workshop on communication skills for presenting science to the wider public
All EMPS PGRs are invited to attend a fully sponsored workshop on communication skills for presenting science to the wider public, organised by the PGRs from Exeter’s Optics & Photonics Society (EUOPS), and facilitated by Dr Rachel Won (session content: Writing news on science), International editor for Nature Photonics; Dr Simon Clark (session content: Managing […]
New CDT administrator: Kelyn Luther
As of 1 October 2018 we have the pleasure to be supported by the new full-time CDT administrator Kelyn Luther. Kelyn brings with her excessive administrative experience and knowledge of the University’s systems due to her former roles in the Peopel Development and Staff Life teams, respectively. Please provide a friendly welcome to Kelyn. We […]
Poster Prize Winners: Carlota Ruiz De Galarreta and Joseph Beadle
4th year XM² PGRs Carlota Ruiz de Galarreta and Joseph Beadle won the poster prizes at two different conferences: Carlota attended the European Phase-Change and Ovonic Symposium (E\PCOS 2018) which brings together the phase change community together to discuss the latest technology achievements and their possible new application areas (figure 1); Joseph won the […]
New Publication: The acoustic phase resonances and surface waves supported by a compound rigid grating
Congratulations to Joseph Beadle, 4th year PGR in the EPSRC CDT in Metamaterials, for his latest publication on ‘The acoustic phase resonances and surface waves supported by a compound rigid grating‘, published in Nature’s Scientific Reports. Abstract We study the radiative and bound acoustic modes supported by a rigid grating formed of three same-depth, narrow […]
XM2 PGR away day
Building community is one of the main challenges in any bigger entity. Where many work under a shared framework there’s a lot of potential to exploit. However, getting building bridges and communication channels isn’t always easy, in particular when areas of expertise aren’t closely related in the first instance. The CDT in Metamaterials is no […]
XM2 thesis submitted by Tom Graham: Underwater Acoustic Waves on Structured and Unstructured Plates
Very many congratulations to the EPSRC CDT in Metamaterials PGR Tom Graham who recently submitted his PhD thesis titled “Underwater Acoustic Waves on Structured and Unstructured Plates”. Tom was supervised by Professor Roy Sambles (FRS), Professor Alastair Hibbins and Dr Simon Horsley. He worked closely with Thales and undertook several research visits to Templecombe and […]
Welcome to our 23 new PGRs!
The CDT in Metamaterials sends a warm welcome to our 23 new PGRs. It was a real pleasure to see so many new faces and fresh energy arriving at the start of our induction week on 17 September 2018. We hope they will soon feel at home at Exeter and in their roles as postgraduate […]