Sam Shelley & Tim Spicer passed their vivas! Congratulations!


Tim Spicer at the ICMM conference
Sam Shelley submitting his PhD thesis.

Very many contragulations to both Sam Shelley and Tim Spicer who have recently passed their respective viva with minor corrections. Well done both!

Sam will continue to contribute his expertise at the University of Exeter as a postdoc. His work on “The Control of Fluid Flow Using Metamaterials Concepts”  (supervised by Roy Sambles (FRS), Alastair Hibbins and Simon Horsley) was assessed by Stephen Turnock (Southampton) and Sean Matt (Exeter).

Timothy Spicer’s work on “Excitation of picosecond magnetization dynamics by spin transfer torque” (supervised by Rob Hicken and Volodymyr Kruglyak)  was assessed by Thomas Moore (Leeds) and Euan Hendry (Exeter). We have recently encouraged him to consider a role at Flann Microwave and are awaiting the outcome of this.

We’d like to thank the assessors for their time committment and congratulate the PGRs once again to their great achievement.



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