New Publication: Experimental characterization of acoustic beaming from an elastic plate by coupled symmetric leaky Lamb modes

Congratulations to CDT alumnus Dr Tom Graham, whose paper ‘Experimental characterization of acoustic beaming from an elastic plate by coupled symmetric leaky Lamb modes’ has recently been published in Physical Review B. Tom graduated in 2019. Abstract Designer mode dispersions with properties such as negative or zero group velocities have applications in tailored wave propagation […]

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XM2 Graduation Winter 2019

Congratulations to Thomas Collier, Henry Fernandez, Cameron Gallagher, Santiago García-Cuevas Carrillo, Ben Hogan and Cheng Shi, who graduated on Friday 13th December. We held a post-graduation celebration in Physics SCR, attended by their fellow PGRs and supervisors. These graduates have gone on to a variety of destinations, including both academia (three of our graduates have stayed […]

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New Publication: Realising an ultra-wideband backward-wave metamaterial waveguide

Congratulations to our XM² alumnus Sathya Sai Seetharaman who has recently published a paper in Physical Review B on ‘Realising an ultra-wideband backward-wave metamaterial waveguide’. The authors demonstrate, through experiment and numerical modeling, that the operational bandwidth of a CSRR metamaterial waveguide can be improved by restricting cross-polarization effects in the constituent meta-atoms. Sathya is […]

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