Henry Fernández passes his viva!

Many congratulations to PGR Henry Fernández, who this week passed his viva with minor corrections. Henry’s thesis title was ‘Optical and Electronics Study of Hybrid Light-Matter States’. His supervisors were Bill Barnes and Saverio Russo, with the examiners being Rob Hicken (internal) and Said Rodriguez, from AMOLF in the Netherlands. During his PhD, Henry also participated in […]

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PGR Henry Fernandez submits his PhD thesis

Congratulations to PGR Henry Fernandez, who has recently submitted his PhD thesis titled “Optical and Electronic Study of Hybrid Light-Matter States” supervised by Prof. Bill Barnes, and Prof. Saverio Russo. This thesis extends a description of his recently published work titled “Electrically Tuneable Exciton-Polaritons through Free Electron Doping in Monolayer WS2 Microcavities” and “Electrically tuneable […]

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Hybridization of Multiple Vibrational Modes via Strong Coupling Using Confined Light Fields

Congratulations to our fourth year PGRs Kishan Menghrajani, the main author of the paper Hybridization of Multiple Vibrational Modes via Strong Coupling Using Confined Light Fields, which was recently published in Advanced Optical Materials. The co-authors were fourth year PGR Henry Fernandez and supervisors Geoffrey R. Nash and William L. Barnes. The paper is on strong […]

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Henry Fernández gives talk at Nanometa 2019

Fourth year CDT PGR Henry Fernández gave a talk at the prestigious Nanometa 2019 conference in Seefield, Austria on 5th January 2019.  Nanometa aims to bring together the international Nanotechnology, Photonics and Materials research communities where most recent and challenging results and plans are discussed in the informal setting on a glorious mountaineering resort. As […]

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