Julia de Pineda Gutierrez wins best student paper at IEE Radio and Antenna days of the Indian Ocean Conference

Fourth year PGR Julia de Pineda Gutierrez discusses the two conferences she recently attended and their successful outcomes: Last month, I attended two conferences, where I had the chance to present my latest research. Between the 16th and the 21st of September I took part in the 13th International congress on Artificial Materials for novel […]

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New Publication: Metasurface bilayer for slow microwave surface waves

Congratulations to fourth year PGR Julia de Pineda Gutiérrez, whose paper ‘Metasurface bilayer for slow microwave surface waves’ was recently published in Physical Review B. Julia’s previous publications include Microwave edge modes on a metasurface with glide symmetry and Hexagonal symmetry metasurfaces for broadband antenna applications. Julia’s thesis is on exploration of beam shaping at microwave frequencies using […]

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