New Publication: Designing the collective non-local responses of metasurfaces

Congratulations to third year PGR James Capers, whose paper ‘Designing the collective non-local responses of metasurfaces’ was published in Communications Physics last month. James describes the significance of the findings: Recently, there has been growing interest in how metamaterials can be designed to perform a specific function.  The ability to perform specific input field to […]

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New Publication: Diffraction by a truncated planar array of dipoles: A Wiener–Hopf approach

Having recently passed his viva and recently joined University of Pennsylvania in a posdoctoral role, PGR Miguel Camacho Aguilar, who graduates this summer, has just published a paper on Diffraction by a truncated planar array of dipoles: A Wiener–Hopf approach in the Special Issue on Canonical Scattering of the journal Wave Motion. Abstract We present […]

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