New publication: Transformation-Optics-Designed Plasmonic Singularities for Efficient Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution at Metal/Semiconductor Interfaces

Congratulations to new CMRI lecturer Changxu Liu whose work ‘Transformation-Optics-Designed Plasmonic Singularities for Efficient Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution at Metal/Semiconductor Interfaces’ has been published in ACS Nano Letters. In this study, Changxu and his team applied transformation optics design concepts to utilise solar radiation for splitting water into hydrogen which has previously been identified as an […]

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Ioannis Leontis in conferences at Washington DC

Third year PGR and vice-president of EUOPS (Exeter University Optics and Photonics Society) Ioannis Leontis discusses his experience of two conferences he was recently invited to: In September 2019, as vice-president of EUOPS (Exeter University Optics and Photonics Society), I was invited to participate in two OSA (Optical Society of America) conferences in Washington DC. The […]

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New Publication: Vibrational strong coupling with surface plasmons and the presence of surface plasmon stop bands

Congratulations to 4th year PGR Kishan Menghrajani, who is lead author on ‘Vibrational strong coupling with surface plasmons and the presence of surface plasmon stop bands’, published in ACS Photonics. The authors present results from experiments and numerical simulations to show that surface plasmon modes provide convenient open cavities for vibrational strong coupling experiments. In […]

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Prof. Bill Barnes wins the Thomas Young Prize and Medal 2019

Congratulations to Prof. Bill Barnes who has been awarded the Thomas Young Prize and Medal 2019 from the Institute of Physics. The award is made for distinguished contributions to optics, including work related to physics outside the visible region. Bill was awarded this prize for his outstanding contributions to the development of nanophotonics, especially in plasmonics […]

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Kishan Menghrajani presents at Leibniz Institute of Photonics Technology

At this year’s Molecular Plasmonics conference at Leibniz Institute of Photonics Technology, Jena, fourth year PGR Kishan Menghrajani presented his work on ‘Molecular vibrational strong coupling in a metal-clad microcavity below cut-off‘ . The meeting, held from 23rd to 25th May,  was focused on bioanalytical and nanophotonic applications of plasmonic effects at nanoscale metal structures, utilizing the […]

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