We proudly present our first XM2 graduates: Alba Paniagua Diaz & Tanveer A Tabish

Time to celebrate! Our very first CDT in Metamaterials graduates, Alba Paniagua Diaz and Tanveer A Tabish, received their graduation certificate. Congratulations to both of them! We are incredibly proud and hope to send them off with the right skill- and mindset to succeed in their futrue careers, and that they will leave us with very fond memories of their time as Postgraduate Researchers in Exeter.

>> Read more about Alba’s thesis abstract and information on highlights of her time in the CDT: http://blogs.exeter.ac.uk/xm2news/submission-alba/

>> Read more about Tanveer’s thesis abstract and information on highlights of his time in the CDT: http://blogs.exeter.ac.uk/xm2news/submission-tanveer/

Our graduates Alba and Tanveer among some of the CDT in Metamaterials PGRs who started between 2015 and 2017.






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