Welcome to our new cohort for 2021!

Jonathon Smith
Patric Boardman










We have two new students this year, who have just finished the first week of their projects! Having attended a busy virtual induction week, they were pleased to meet the rest of the CDT face-to-face in a socially-distanced away day canoeing on Totnes Quay.

Our new students are:


2021 XM² cohort Research Group Project Supervisor 1 Supervisor 2 Supervisor 3
Patric Boardman Ultrafast Physics Disentangling the Chiral Clutter: Optically Enhanced Rotational Spectroscopy Euan Hendry Jacopo Bertolotti n/a
Jonathon Smith  Electromagnetic and Acoustic Materials (EMAG) Tensorial surfaces for novel antenna functionality Alastair Hibbins Simon Horsley Ian Hooper

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