Welcome to the XM2 summer students

Curious? Ambitious? Energetic? All good qualities to find in a summer student!

We welcome the undergraduates

  • Andy Wild (“Asymmetric Double Square Well on a Circle: The Curious Case of Degenerate States“),
  • Jordan Meadows (“Dirac metamaterials—the quest for new quasiparticles”,
  • and future XM² PGR Conor Price (“2D material liquid crystals“)

to work on CDT summer projects developed by our current third year PGRs Tom Collier, Charlie-Ray Mann, and Ben Hogan, respectively. Earlier this year, Tom, Charlie and Ben had succesfully written project proposals under our new competitive grant writing practise scheme –  and were awarded summer student bursaries of currently £2,750 plus £250 project costs.

In addition, XM² 2nd year PGR Elizabeth Martin is supporting the undergraduate Aleksandra Pac on the summer project “Advanced processing of bio-inspired magnetic devices“.

These projects are a great opportunity for all UGs to boost their skill set and knowledge, and for the PGRs to gain experience in project supervision. The latter might be of particular use to Lizzie when she enters her 3rd study year and will be able to submit a summer student project proposal herself.

Well done all; have fun and good luck with your research!


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