We’ve been getting a lot of questions lately on that eponymous question – what do postgraduate researchers do next? Having a PhD is valued in most sectors, and there’s lots of information out there about the career paths open to you as a PhD graduate. This week, we thought we’d bring some of that information together on the Doctoral College blog. We’ll start with the broad picture, including the Vitae 2013 research project What do researchers do?, and move on to career destinations at Exeter, looking at our postgraduate researcher data from the annual Destinations of Leavers in HE (DLHE) survey. Finally, we’ll get down to the nitty gritty with some career profiles from Exeter PhD alumni.

To begin our focus on careers, we’ll leave you with this – often shared by our careers coach Kate Foster in training sessions – which represents the widening horizons about what researchers can ‘do’ with a PhD. 

Widening Horizons

